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Question: What is the sequel to Ender's Game!?
Is the sequel to Ender's Game [by Orson Scott Card] Speaker for the Dead or Ender's Shadow!? I am confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Publication date

1) Ender's Game
2) Speaker for the Dead
3) Xenocide
4) Children of the Mind
5) Ender's Shadow
6) Shadow of the Hegemon
7) Shadow Puppets
8) Shadow of the Giant
9) A War of Gifts: An Ender Story

Chronological order

1) Ender's Game
2) A War of Gifts: An Ender Story (set during Ender's Game)
3) Ender's Shadow (Parallel Novel to Ender's Game, From Bean's point of view)
4) Shadow of the Hegemon
5) Shadow Puppets
6) Shadow of the Giant
7) Speaker for the Dead
8) Xenocide
9) Children of the Mind


The Ender's Game series (sometimes called Ender series or Enderverse) is a series of science fiction books by Orson Scott Card!. The series started with the novelette "Ender's Game", which was later expanded into the novel Ender's Game!. It currently consists of nine novels, ten short stories, and two books yet to be published!.

The first two novels in the series, Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead

Speaker for the Dead and its two sequels Xenocide and Children of the Mind are more philosophical in nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ender's shadow is ender's game from bean's point of view!. then comes shadow of the hegemon, shadow puppets, and shadow of the giant!. they tell the story of what happened on earth!. speaker for the dead follows ender and valentine on the colony ship!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speaker for the Dead is next!. You don't have to read all the pointless "companion books" to move forward with the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ender's Shadow is Bean's story from his point of veiw!.Www@QuestionHome@Com