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Question: Do you prefer Jacob black or Edward Cullen!?
I have only read Twilight so far!.
and I am IN LOVE with Edward Cullen!!!!
But ive been told that in the next book i wont like him and i will love jacob!.
but i cant think of anything that Edward could do that would make me hate him!.
also, when is 'mightnight sun' Edwards side of the story coming out!?
im so excited about reading the next books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a very tough decision for me!. Jacob was only a minor character in Twilight!. So Edward was the only one I truly thought about!. And I loved him! In New Moon, the reader gets to know so much more about Jacob!. Then I started to appreciate Jacob and he warmed Bella's heart, so I was really happy about that!. He is a great best friend and always tries to make Bella happy!. At that point, I didn't know if I liked Edward or Jacob better!. Then in Eclipse, I was very disappointed in Jacob!. I won't tell you what, since you have not gotten to this book yet, but Jacob did some things that are terrible!. He knew Bella loved Edward, yet did them anyway!. Later on though, Bella disappointed me!. It is very complicated for her!. Another thing I don't like about Jacob is him being impolite to Edward!. He knows Bella loves Edward so he should respect him at least for Bella's sake!. Edward is better in that issue!. I have no idea what is going to happen in Breaking Dawn!. I think it is best for Bella to end up with Edward because he would take care of her best!. He may be a little too protective, but he only does it because he truly cares for her!. He doesn't want anything to happen to his love!. So therefore, I would probably prefer Edward Cullen!. However, Jacob Black is not a terrible guy!. He is a fun, loveable guy who cares for Bella, but just is not as great as Edward Cullen!.
As for your second question, I do not think an exact date has been released for Midnight Sun, but it should come out in 2009!. The first chapter is posted on Stephenie Meyer's website!. You do not have to read New Moon or Eclipse to read the first chapter!. Twilight is good enough for that!. And I can't wait for that book too!.
I hope I answered all your questions completely!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN!! He sounds so romanctic and wonderful in the books (unlike in the movie!. Then movie Edward SUCKS)!. I hate Jacob!. He always has to ruin EVERYTHING and is kind of an obstacle between Bella and Edward and he makes me mad when he interferes!. But, however, in New Moon I actually liked Jacob becuz he cared for Bella and was always at her side!. Edward however, made the stupid decision of leaving Bella for like, 5 or 6 months and THAT MADE ME MAD!! But I love Edward!! To me, jacob is a nuisance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will always prefer Edward, and just know that what he did in the second book cant make you hate him because he did it for a good thing

i cant say you'll LOVE jacob but you might like him!. I for one personally did not like him in New moon but you have your opinions when you read New Moon

In eclipse you'll definetly hate jacob, you may feel bad for him, but you wont like him!. And you'll love Edward too :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I prefer Edward!. I think, like most girls that he is a perfect combination of danger, safety, and love! I <3 Edward!.!.!.Some people say that you end up hating Edward in New Moon, but I never did!. Some people also end up hating Jacob in New Moon, but once again I never did!. It all depends on the way you put things into perspective!. I did hate Jacob in Eclipse though!. I would tell you why, but I don't want to ruin it for you!.

Happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward Culen all the way
I liked Jacob more towards the middle of new moon
but then hated him @ the end
oh and trust me edward DOES do something to make you hate him in new moon

Midnight sun has no relase date yet!.
Stephanie Meyer says on her website that she isnt even finished with midnight sun but she will be able to have more time on her hands to work on it once breaking of the dawn is released
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

first of all, it's hard for me to choose between edward and jacob, but i'd have to say I LOVE EDWARD CULLEN more than jacob!!!! lol!. i wasn't mad at edward in new moon but almost everyone i know that read it was, so beware!!! lol!.
second of all, you can read the first chapter of midnight sun on stephenie meyer's websight, here's the direct link!. http://www!.stepheniemeyer!.com/pdf/midnig!.!.!.
other than that, there is no official release date for midnight sun!.
hope i could help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I happen to love them both very much after reading New Moon!.!.!.!.!.!.And my love just keeps on growing in the 3rd book!.!.!.!.!.Don't believe everything people say!.!.!.!.!.!.!.People who hate Jake because the love Edward or hate Edward because they love Jake does not understand the Charries or how other things work!.!.!.!.aka life!.!.!.among other things!. I don't want to wreck it for you so I will not say more!.!.!.!. As far as MS goes!.!.!.!.Steph is about a 2 3rds of the way done writing the book and that is what she is working on right now!. She does not know when it will be done, but she will finish it before starting anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont like either, i prefer, over all EMMETT!(though he is not a choice so i guess i have to say i like edward a bit better)
New moon may or may not change your perspective, it didnt cange mine(the edward one) And midnight sun will not be told about and realesed until after breaking dawn(the fourth one)is outWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob Black, don′t fret nobody really likes Jacob and it is up to you to form your own opinion about him, although whoever told you that must really love him!.
Midnight Sun is Stephenie Meyer′s new project, there isn′t an exact date to when it will be published!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is precisely what I thought when my friends told me that!. To be completely honest, I did NOT hate Edward!. I will NEVER hate Edward!. !.!.!.I was a little upset!.

And I will never love Jacob!. I'm sorry, but I do not like the man!.

I have heard tell that once Breaking Dawn is finished, Stephenie Meyer's gonna finish Midnight Sun!. So p'raps it'll be out next summer (if we are extremely lucky)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Edward is overprotective, arrogent, and a liar!.
Jacob is pushy, arrogent (this seems to be a theme), and a pain in the ***!.

Actually!.!.!. I don't like a lot of the characters of the books!. Bella has absolutely no common sense!. I'd have to say that I really like Alice and Jasper though!.!.!.!. thats about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like them both!. they are both amazing in their own ways!. edward is the romantic type and jake is kinda the bad boy!. i hate how people HATE jake!.!.!. STOP IT! they are both awesome characters and as much as i love edward, jake is pretty amazing!. i love them both because they are so different from each other, yet you gotta love 'em!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read New Moon, and now I hate Jacob!. Edward does what he does, in New Moon, for a reason!. You will hate Jacob after New Moon, and after Eclipse, you will loathe him, like I do!.

Midnight Sun is coming out in Spring of 2009!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Edward better!.
In the next book (New Moon) I personally hated Jacob (and I still do)!.
Midnight Sun isn't even finished yet, I don't think, so I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say: about a year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer Edward for Bella and I like him more too but Jacob's a good guy!. I never hated any of them in the books!. Some of their actions weren't good but you understood the intention!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

team edwardd!! and midnight sun is coming out in the spring of 2009!. And everyine hates edward after the second one because he left her but he was only doing it for her own good and he suffered just as much as she did so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


edward cullen is soooo much better than jacob blackWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!
Midnight Sun is not coming out until a few months after Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Believe me Edward is still GOD!!! HE does what he does fo a reason dont even think about Jacob Edward is all you need!! <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read them all, AND I STILL LOVE EDWARD WAAAAY MORE! Don't worry what edward did was only out of caringWww@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer Jacob!.

Edward Cullen is an arrogant, overbearing, hypocritical, controlling, possessive, overprotective, flower-speeched, pretentious jerk who should go die (IMO)!. I hate him :)!. Haha!. He's okay in Twilight, but he is SOOOOOOOOOO annoying in Eclipse!. Blegh!. I can't even read that book without wanting to kill him!.

Jake is awesome in New Moon! I hope you like him! I don't want to ruin anything for the next two books, so all I'm going to say is this: Please, please, please remember throughout the series that Jacob can't help how he feels about Bella anymore than Bella can help how she feels about Edward!. And please, please remember that Jacob thinks being a vampire is horrible and doesn't want Bella to become one!. He might rub off as a jerk in Eclipse, but remember that he's a 16 year old kid who is bound to make mistakes!. And remember that the reason he does what he does is because he wants to save Bella's life!. (I hate it when people give Jake a hard time, Haha)!.

If it helps, SM said there isn't really a whole lot to hate about Jake if you understand him!. She said it upsets her that so many people dislike Jake, because she thinks he's awesome!. He's her favorite character!. She said once that she thinks Jacob is vastly misunderstood by most people, and that's why so many people "hate" him!.

Stephenie Meyer is currently writing chapter 13 of Midnight Sun or something!. She's not finished with it as of yet!. I'm guessing it will probably be out in 1-2 years, but don't take my word for it!.

I know a lot of people say that "You might like him in NM, but you'll hate him in Eclipse"!. Just to let you know!.!.!. I really liked him in New Moon, but I absolutely fell in love with him in Eclipse!. He is AMAZING in Eclipse, I love him so much!. I think he's a lot more awesome during Eclipse, but that's just me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com