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Question: Thinking about writing a story!. i need your help!.!?
alright i am thinking about writing a story about a fem!. vampire who's love of her life happens to be a female!. Do you think the book will do well!?
do you think i should go with this angle!?
should i stick with the men being her target!?

i figured i would change it up a bit cause all the book ive ever read are about man and woman!. no one ever writes about woman and woman or man and man!. i just wanted opinions before i started my little adventure in to something people might not want to read!.

thanks for your input!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Read Carmilla (Sheridan Le Fanu), a classic which deals with exactly this subject!. You may also want to watch The Hunger (Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon, David Bowie), which is the same thing--I believe it was based on a book as well!. also look up Elizabeth Bathory, a real life woman who was accused of vampirism, and killed young servant girls to drink their blood (because she believed it kept her young), in 1600s (if I recall correctly) Romania!.

Historically, the vampire trope has been used to show alternate sexualities (I dare anyone to claim the razor-shaving scene in 'Dracula' ("Oh, Mr!. Harker, pity you cut yourself shaving!.!.!. all that blood") isn't full of subtext)!.

However, make sure you're writing about characters--is the female vampire a lesbian because you want to write about lesbians, or is she a lesbian because she is genuinely attracted to women!? Make sure your answer's the latter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um!. I don't think so!. I have been a book nerd since I learned to read when I was 4!. I am the editor of the literary mag!. at my college and am writing a book of my own!. I am almost finished with the last edits and I can tell you from experience of reading and seeing lots of different styles of work that your idea would not fly!.

Not only because it is slightly odd, but this is not a gay friendly society!. I don't know if you are gay, and I don't care, but your book won't go far if you do that!. But it is only my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think your concept is great! The key to learning more about the genre you'd like to write in is to read, read, read!. Reading like materials can give you great ideas!.!.!.and help you learn about the readership trends for that genre!.

I'd suggest you read some of L!.A!. Banks novels!. Anne Rice is a great author too!.!.!.but I'm sure if you love vampire novels, you've probably already read some of her stuff!.

I say that you're definitely on to a great idea!. I wish you the best in your endeavors!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know one girl who would read it! i love Vampires!Www@QuestionHome@Com