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Question: Which book!?!?!?
Ok so for school i have a summer reading list!. we have to read 4 or 5 of like the 100 lol!. ive narrowed it down!. But first, I like kind of hate the term but "chick books" with like a little romance and that are like not to fantasyish!. i also love funny books!. so:
Little Women
Boy meets Boy
Killing Mr!. Griffen
Hitchikers guide to the glaxay
The Adventures of Huck Finn (ive already read Tom)
The London Eyes Mystery
Nothing But the Truth
Childhood's end
The House on Mango Street

So what do you think!? Can you tell me why you liked them and a little about them!? THANKS!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
homecomingg-its super good, u'll read it non-stop
don't read the house on mango street cuz u'll fall asleep reading that bookk

also if u want a description of all thsoe books, jsut go to

i personally perfer homecoming!.!.good choice//Www@QuestionHome@Com

hitchhikers was good! and really funny, defintly read that one!

nothing but the truth was ok, funny ending, but not much in the middle

and i thought house on mango was really good (the rest of my class didnt) it was interesting, lots of emotion, makes you think!. not the most exciting, but not close to the bottom of my book listWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, i've never read this book but i've seen the movie and i really like it, little women!. if you ever get the chance, rent it, it's a classic (I mean, it's not old, but it's really good)!. it's got some romance and it's not fantasy at all!.
it's about this family of girls and it's kind of just about them each growing and , for some of them, leaving to get bigger and better things!. i think that's what it's about anyways!. lol!. it takes place in earlier times but other than that, i can't really remember much about it!. it's been a while since i've seen the movie!.
sorry i wasn't much help! Good luck choosing!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you enjoy a funny story, then read the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy first!. The Adventures of Huck Finn is also pretty good, and so is Childhood's End, but it may not really be for you, idk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LITTLE WOMEN! its a classic, and like what was said before "a must read"

House on Mango Street was lame!.
Huck Finn was good, but truing to interpret Jim's (i think its Jim) dialect is just too hard!.
I heard Hitchikers was good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

little women is a classic and its very good
Killing Mr!. Griffin is very good too
and Nothing but the truth i can barley remember but i remember it being very interstingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know most of those on there but little women is the WORST BOOK I HAVE EVER READ!. EVER!. dont read it!. seriously it was awful!. i died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy!. It's really funny, has some fantasy, and has a sprinkle of romance!. It's a good read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Killing Mr!. Griffin was wonderful, and a quick read!. hitchhikers is pretty funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you should read The London Eyes Mystery, because I saw a commercial of the movie and it looked good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

im in the middle of killing mr!.griffin, its prety good!. its mistery!.thoose are good!. any thing by louis Duncan is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hithchiker's guide
pretty good bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Killing Mr!. GriffinWww@QuestionHome@Com

you should read
Heavy metal and you (don't let the title scare you off)
flowers for algernonWww@QuestionHome@Com

i liked the adventure of Huck fin
but that depends on if you liked tomWww@QuestionHome@Com

Little Women- a must read!
The House on Mango Street- good storyWww@QuestionHome@Com