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Question: How many of you like Bella!?
I personally can't stand her clingy adittude!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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People correct your spelling when they feel like being an anonymous bully, especially when they don't like the question!.

But, to answer your question, no I don't like Bella too much!. In the first book yes I did like her!. She was a nice character, curious and a bit shy toward her mysterious love interest!. In the second and third book we see a bit more of her selfishness, acting before thinking, and (to put it bluntly) dull personality!. And to be quite frank Bella is dull!. Though I will agree that she is a mature for her age (I was too at that age), still I knew how to have fun!. Does Bella ever even laugh in the whole series!? She is plain, dull, and gets more boring throughout the books!. "I can't say the 'e' word!. I'm en-en-" *whispers "engaged"*!. Shh! It's a bad word! I hate that! That right there has made me dislike Bella more than anything!. Her refusal to say things like "marriage" and "engagement" and "husband" and/or anything associated with what binds people together forever for life!. THAT is a bit childish!. She loves Edward yet she doesn't want to say words like marriage!. It's annoying and it's stupid and childish!. Her character is so monontonous it drives me crazy!. She reminds me of a walking zombie with a "woe is me" attitude, no fun in her life, and my grandmother (no offence to her)!.

Oh and not to mention that Bella takes no consideration for other people whatsoever!. She thinks about herself too much!. She practicly dissed her friend!.!.what was her name!? Angela or something in the second book while they were out together!. Then she doesn't think of Charlie!. Actually, I don't even know why Charlie is even in the book!. His character just kind of went flat!. I feel like he is just there to be there, to make Bella's life more interesting!. Just to be a background characater!. What IS his purpose!?!? The world doesn't revolve around Bella Swan!. I hope that there's a Romeo and Juliet ending!.!. -_-Www@QuestionHome@Com

In general, she's tolerable!. Details, I hate it when she gets "clingy" when her supposed montra is completely cool and aloof and whatever! She's a complete contradiction of a character!. I actually have to force myself to read those parts, most of the time I completely skip New Moon because its just one huge clingy rant!. Sorry for the rant, got kinda carried away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like her character because I feel like I can relate to her!. I am a complete clutz, ordinary looking, my confidence isn't that high, I am mature on the inside and we have the same taste in books!. I don't really think she's that clingy but I do think she is and I am more chill but I still like her character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think she's that bad and i can understand why she is clingy!. Remember, she wasn't always that way!. Besides, you have to remember an important factor!.!.!.Edward, hello!? I can say that she was annoying in Eclipse when she wanted to save everybody but didn't have the means to do so and wouldn't listen to anybody, but again, she has reason to!. And to the person that thought that Bella and the author was a redhead, you are stupid because both are brunettes!. Pay attention to some detail why don't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella is quite possibly the most annoying character in all of literary history!. She is SO stupid, so selfish, so bratty, so immature, so dramatic, so lovestruck, SUCH a damsel in distress, a total weakling, and so!.!.!. just!.!.!. ugh!. I like her sometimes, but she annoys me to death most of the time!. And she has NO confidence in herself at all, which really annoys me!. She complains all the time that she's "not pretty enough"!. WHY!?!!?!!?!!?! You can't change how you look! So instead of focusing on what you don't like about yourself, why don't you focus on what you do like!? I guess I feel that way because I!.!.!.er!.!.!. don't lack confidence!. I've never been self-conscious in the slightest!. So I really can't relate with the feeling at all!. I don't understand the point of feeling bad about yourself-- you are who you are!. If you don't like it, change it!. Improve yourself!. Try to become a better person!. Learn to be comfortable with yourself!. Learn to love yourself for who you are (I don't mean that you should be conceited!. I mean that you should realize what your good and bad points are, and go from there)!. If you don't like how you look, learn to see the good things about yourself!. Look beyond the surface!. Looks aren't everything-- there is so much more to life than being some supermodel wannabe!. Self-consciousness or feeling bad about yourself is such a waste of time! So Bella's constant self-consciousness is a major thorn in my side!. She's so boring, too!. She completely lacks a personality!. She's just!.!.!. dull and infuriating!.

I hate her clinginess as well!. It seems like she can't even breathe without Edward-- and, on the same note, she'd probably stop breathing if he asked her to!. She just does whatever he tells her to do and clings to him obsessively-- it bugs me!. I just want to reach into the book, shake her shoulders, and tell her to be a little more independent every once in awhile!. For heavens sake, she seems like Edward's slave! Not girlfriend! She lets people walk all over her! I just want to tell her to-- excuse the crude expression-- grow some balls and be a man sometimes!

*Laughs* Can ya'll tell that I'm an insanely independent and somewhat feminsitic teenage girl who hates being told what to do!? Haha :)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my gosh!
She's a cliche little brat, and honestly, in the start of the first book they described basically the stereotype for all of the places she had been/was going!. It pissed me off!.

Then comes her little annoying rantings!. Is she a redhead!? Cause I never liked redheads as characters!. Oh wait, she isn't, the author is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG u people/ yea she is a bit clingy but that bcz she loves him and after what happened in the second maybe u can understand why!. okay listen!. she accepts the werewolves and vampires!. yea i know ur prob like well i would 2!. but mostof u if it really ahppened u wouldnt okay!. and also i like her!. shes so down to earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bella would be a shooting post for me if i had a gun or instead a personal slave just like she is with edward!. i can just imagine having her do all of my cleaning like she does for charlie!. woohoo more t!.v and computer time for me!.

i guess you can tell that i don't like her at allWww@QuestionHome@Com

gargh!!! she's the most poorly characterized character i have ever stumbled upon in my life!

for god's sakes, get some SPUNK girl!

i'm writing a book, adn i'm trying my utmost to make my heroine more spirited than her!. she annoys the **** outta me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

im guessing u hate her ^^""
well im sry to say this, but i like her but dont like her
she is the same as all the other characters,
opps that didn't come out right
well idk if i like her or not!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really!? I think Bella is an awesome character, she seems like she would be someone that I would have as a BFF!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here's is a yahoo question "who is Bella"!? ha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's got to be the weakest protagonist I've ever laid my reading glasses on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All she needs to have "Welcome" stamped onto her butt!. She is already a doormat!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

well first start by knowing how to spell ATTITUDE!
and maybe i dnt like u either u know!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love her she's SUPER LUCKY to have Edward!!!!!!!XD!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i very much dislike her!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com