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Question: Should I be doing writers exercises!?
So i know that there are some authors i know of that do these character development worksheets, and so on and so on!.!.!. I tried to do one of those character development worksheets and it didnt really seem like it gave me anymore insight then i already knew about my characters, is there something wrong with me that i dont do all these writers excersices and such!? detailed answers pleaseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are already acquainted with your characters as well as the story they are involved in, then proceed without all the worksheets!. The only role such tools perform is to give you a way of jotting down traits that you can hopefully amalgamate into a dynamic character with whom the reader can relate!. Of course, knowing the plot—and making sure that there aren’t any major lacunae in it — is more problematic!. Thus, availing yourself of a worksheet for the story-line would foment your creative genius and allow you to produce something exceptional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, there's nothing wrong with not liking writing exercises like that!. I tried them, love writing still- hate 'worksheets'!. What you can try doing that i found good for me was an 'interview' with your character, it doesn't focus on specific detail about a character but rather how they'd act in a certain situation, which is defiantly hard for writing!. If that doesn't work then keep taking suggestions and tying to find your own writing technique, everyone writes differently, some people are one track writers and others do dozens of story's at a time (me)!. You'll find your own writing style, even if it's a combination of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do these in-between stories much like doodles or scribbling!. It helps jumpstart my brain!. I may see a character a new way or start creating one for a future work!. Do the same with setting--someplace you've been or create a house maybe on the outskirts of a fictional town with a yard & picket fence!. Start writing dialogue for a scene you've been thinking!. even if you jump ahead in your story !.

Look at it this way--a pianist or flautist spends time running scales to limber up for practicing before working on their next piece!. These worksheets serve the same purpose!.

[edit] just happened to think that the most practical would be vocabulary workbooks and grammar books!. They're the most practical for a writer!. Try making a game out of them--see how much you can improve!. Spend 5-10 minutes/day to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No there is nothing wrong with you cause i am also a writer and I dont have to do any kind of writing development things I just write from my brain and then I go through and re-edit the whole paper that i wrote so just keep writing and if you have any questions have someone read what you wrote ad have them give you some pointers okWww@QuestionHome@Com

if you like it yes the more you exercise it the better you will get even so it seems like you dint learn a thing in one day you might learn something the next!.
One thing for sure you wont get better at it if you don't exercise it or sturdy itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry this answer isn't very detailed!.!.!.
Nobody can tell you how your mind works!. These worksheets aren't going to tell you if you're a good or bad writer!. Maybe these just aren't the right excersizes for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com