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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are some accessories for vampire prom (breaking dawn release party)?

Question: What are some accessories for vampire prom (breaking dawn release party)!?
I can not wait! I'm getting gold copntacts, I have my shoes and a black dress!. I'm ordering a pin that says I<3EC
What other accessories would be good!?
Like what kind of necklace!.

Any helps appreciated!=]

What do you think will happen in the book!? I can;t wait for it to come out!
The wait is killing me! What do you think will happen to jacob!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
omg! i wish i could go! I think Jacob imprinted on Bella and he is too afraid to let her know that because she's getting married to Edward!. (Team Edward all the way!) I think that Jacob is going to hurt her!.!.!. I hope not though! Maybe you should try to find a ring or something like the cullen crest on it or something! Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should get a necklace similar to what Edward gave Bella!.

The prom sounds like lots of fun! Enjoy!!Www@QuestionHome@Com