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Question: Wicked lovely or Ink Exchange!?!?
Okay is Wicked Lovely first ot Ink Exchange!?!?!? im have Wicked lovely but i went on Melissa Marr website and know i saw both books!. So im having a headach now!! So please help if you can!! :) THANKS AND GOD BLESS!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wicked Lovely was the first book written in that setting!. Ink exchange is more a companion book than a sequel, it was released on 29th April this year!.

It still has the courts etc but Ink Exchange follows Leslie, Ash's friend from Wicked Lovely, Irial, the king of the Dark Court, and Niall, Keenan's adviser in Wicked Lovely!.

There is going to be a Wicked Lovely sequel coming out but it hasn't been titled yetWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pretty sure that Wicked Lovely is first!. Ink Exchange just describes what happened to the characters after Wcked Lovely!. 98!.99971% sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wicked Lovely is definetly first!. AMAZING book by the way, have yet to get ahold of Ink Exchange ;] lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wicked Lovely is first!. Ink Exchange just came out recently, and is set after WLWww@QuestionHome@Com