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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the most amount of money you would spend on a book?

Question: What is the most amount of money you would spend on a book!?
I don't mean a rare book, I mean just a regular book!.

I'm really stingy and would have to really need the book to spend more than £15 on it (usually it'll be something for my studies)!.

What about you!? What's the most you have spent on a book or would be willing to spend!?

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I dont spend anymore than £10 unless it is on something i need for university!.
I usually spend around £7 or on amazon!.com at about £4Www@QuestionHome@Com

Seconding textbooks--but try law school!. Lots of the textbooks approach $250 (125 pounds) apiece (times four or five, depending on your courseload) and you _can't_ buy them used, because the nature of US law is such that there's a new edition every couple of years--and it will of course be new the year _you_, hapless law student, need the book!.

As far as non-law books, I've spent close to $75 (40 pounds) on a single book, but it was from 1830!. I should have spent far more for it than I did, in terms of value, and I knew I was getting a good deal--it's worth close to $400 (200 pounds), even in the sketchy condition that it was in when I got it!. That was obviously a rare book, though!.

As far as non-rare books, I get antsy if I have to pay over $40 (20 pounds), but it depends on usefulness of the book, how much I want it, and, honestly, how long it is (I'd sooner pay $40 for The Gulag Archipelago than I would for The Great Gatsby!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If its something i can access easily just for reading as a hobby i wont spend more than a £5 on it, and i'd order it from Amazon or somewhere like that!.
Otherwise if its university books the most i've spent is £35!. I aim to get secondhand ones cos i know il use them just for the year and then not need them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a few art books , the big bulky ones that can cost up to 70 pounds!. One of them was over a hundred pounds but it was a present!. These books are beautiful, usually huge and glossy!. They are a treat that i can't afford every week!
But for novels, fictions etc, I don't spend more than 20 pounds!. I try to get these ones at the library, if not, I would be broke!Www@QuestionHome@Com

£20 is my max but I would check on eBay and Amazon first to see if I could get it any cheaper and it would have to be a reference book (to be referred to again and again)!. I would seek to borrow it from the library if its something I was going to read once regardless of the cost!. This is not just due to the cost of the book also the storage space!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm, i think i'd spend up to 15 pound, but im only 16 and dont exactly have mpney to burn lol (i really need a job) so maybe when i'm older and have a job, i'll pay more!. but i'd not be very willing because what if i spent alot on the book and onve i read it, disliked it!? if i read one at the library and loved it, i would probably spend alot to buy it!.!.!.then i can re-read whenever!.


Depends on what I'm buying the book for!. If it's just a regular novel, and I'm really interested in it, then I'd be willing to pay the hardcover price!. (Up to about $25, which is £12!.69!.) If it's not something that I'm really eager to read, then I'll wait for the paperback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A regular book!? US$25!.00!. I buy hard covers usually at Barnes and Noble as I have a membership card that gives me a 10% discount on every purchase, plus they usually send me coupons with 30-40% discount on newly released popular hardbacks!. I got "The Host" for $12 on release date, roughly the same price of a trade sized paperback!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if its a book that i want, there is no limit for me!. i love books and have a room in my house dedicated to my books!. i think they are very precious and that there is no limit for what i will spend!. of course if a book is £800, then i cant buy it because i cant afford it!. but if its within my limit ( which i mean!.!.!.most books are!.i rarely see books that are super expensive) then i will buy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I try to get the ones I want as cheaply as possible so shop around!. At the moment there are two 'must haves' coming out this year!. A Stephen King at 18!.99 and Alan Titchmarsh novel at about the same price!. Amazon are about a 50p saving to pre order so will wait for them to come into the shops and they are usually half price!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm with you on that one £15 would be my limit too unless it was a book which was really good/important

i would alway search the libarary first though 'cos it'll save me money and when i have finsihed it i don't have to store it until i wanna rereadWww@QuestionHome@Com

personally, i would spend 15 at the most, but it just depends!. ask yourself these questions when you are deciding if its a good amount:

am i going to use\read this book alot!?!?

is there ANY possibility i am going to regret buying this!?!?

i hope i helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I regularly have to spend £56+ for course books!. Then I get to return them at teh end of the semister and get £14 back on a very good day!. For a personal book the most I've ever spent was £15ish and that's because it was hardcover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i tend to buy really cheap books only unless there's a book i really want by a certain author!. because i read so many books and insist on owning all of them, i'd be broke if i spent $20 (or £10) on every book i got!. we have such expensive hobbies, don't we =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Text books I've spent up to $80 american (£40)!. Fiction books!.!.!.!.I've spent anywhere from $5 (£2!.50) all the way up to almost $50 (£25) for a new release book that is a hard cover!. If it is a great book that I really want, I'll pay quite a bit for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Textbooks are such a terrible rip-off! I've spent over $100 (~50 pounds) on one book! A year later, I took the second-year course, and there was a NEW $100 book!. For the same course! Oy!

Anyhow, I've spent $30 + tax on the Stephen King novel, "It!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depens on what book it is!. If it's something appauling like Jane Austin's Emma, then no more than 10p, but for something good, I've paid up to £40 for a book, so!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About £40Www@QuestionHome@Com

£10 it was just a book for reading and watever if it was for my studysWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depending on how much I want the book I will pay up to $40 or so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the most I've spent on a regular book that I remember is £40, and that was because my partner really wanted it!. But for myself I'd say about £25 maxWww@QuestionHome@Com

I once spent £30 on a cookbook, in my defence it was - The Silver Spoon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

text book- £20

reading book- £10Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always buy second hand books so no more than £1Www@QuestionHome@Com

£20 is the most i would spend!.!.!.
but i's spend more on anything to odo with twilight ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

£20 - im not loaded plus the books that are really important are freeWww@QuestionHome@Com

once bought a book for 45 pounds for a course I was on and hardly used it!.Got more use from the library!.Www@QuestionHome@Com