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Question: How do I get my brother into reading!?
Ok!. I have heard that reading makes people smarter and organize their thoughts, etc!. I am posting this for my brother, who is 10 years old!. He needs to read, but he thinks it is boring!. How do I make him get into reading!? His interests are sports- (football and soccer, sometimes baseball), the pool, hanging out w/ friends+family, nature, hunting, fishing, and social studies (history), and non-fiction, he has his own fantasy ideas once in a while)!. Any books he might be interested in, maybe!? I am not trying to force him to read, but his teachers even said he NEEDS to!. He tried reading a book once, but got bored with it!. OK, I agree with him it was a boring book!. HELP PLEASE!!!!! He asked me to post this in hope of responses!. The only bookstore we have near where I live is the library, Borders, and Barnes & Noble!. If anybody has ideas, please post them!. Thanks sooooooo much!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
find a book that interests him!. my sister has the same problem and i try to tell her that she's really missing out but she doesn't care!. However, I gave her a copy of twilight and she's starting to read more because she loved that series!!! try different types of books!. Give him a mystery book, then a scary book, chic-flick, or something like harry potter!. Just keep trying and once he gets a book that he really enjoys, that will spark his interest and he'll want to read more!. hope i helped and good luck ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

try sports illustrated for Kids ( a magazine is still reading )

The Time Warp Trio ( for kids but also about history ) or The

Magic Treehouse but my 10 year old says they are too babyish!.

The Captain Underpants series is funny!.

If he has a favorite TV show there is probably a book series he can find

if he likes sci-fi then Bunnicula is great ( a vampire bunny who attacks the vegetables, how can that not be funny )

and no 10 year old boy wants to read Twilight ( as good as it is ) come onWww@QuestionHome@Com

Omg! You sound like you'd be my SISTER!
I am obsessed with Barnes & Noble and Borders though!. lol!.
&My 10 year old brother HATES reading and almost nothing will make him read!.
I guess, we should get them books with topics that they like and hope that they'll try to get more books and be more open minded with them!. =/

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might try getting him interested in some of the activities in books!. Find some books that include activities that you could get him involved in doing!. If he has any favorite tv shows find out if there are any books based on those shows!. That usually works on bored readers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was younger I really like mystery books!. They are nice because they're hard to put down!. A good author is Willo Davis Roberts, but it might be for a little bit older kids than 10!. A lot of movies like Iron Man have a book version that might be kind of cool for a 10 year old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It may not be his interest!. You just might have to get him a tutor to get him better organized with school and life!. You can't force a hobby if he's not really into it :)

Maybe even get him a journal so he can write down his own stories!. :)

Good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to go with him to the bookshop and help him choose a book!. say things like ''if you read this book i will give you a surprise''!. but give him a surprise for real!. he will want to read, trust me it worked with my nine year old brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you can expose him to comic books, something humorous and something light at first so he does not feel so overwhelmed and may not get as "bored"!. If he feels "forced", he will probably resist all the more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try to find a book that intrests him!. Or after years of trying i finally got5 my brother to read by buying him the indiana jones book because he loves the moviesWww@QuestionHome@Com

if he likes sports, try the Matt Christopher books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

give him the twilight series
i used to hate reading until i read those booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow, my brother is 13 and never leaves his video games!.!.!. and recently he's justtt been passing in school, but barely!. It's incredible, and disiplining him doesn't seem to work, so my parents are almost giving up!. I've been trying to lecture him about the difficulty of life and high school and such (I'm 16 in grade !.!.!. going to 12), so I'm cement solid when it comes to doing work and reading!. I WANT my brother to start reading, but he never does!. He hates it, he calls books "lame"!. I know how you feel- and I can't exactly suggest something to do, I mean, you can't force someone to read!.

I try forcing my brother, but he ends up hating it more!. It will come naturally, when I was his age I didn't like reading too much either, but now I'm obsessed!.

Best of luck!. If it isn't meant to be his thing, then it won't happen- just give him time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok so i found the same problem with my brother except he will read for school both otherwise he wouldnt and i really wanted to get him into reading, so u know know what i did!? i made him read the harry potter series, this was in around march, now hes reading the pendragon series and not because im forcing him only because i told him its a great book!.!.!.!.so u basically need to find a book which will keep your brother awake and will make him actualyl want to read, i know hes into sports but im not sure if there are many books soley based on that!.!.!.why dont u try making him read a mystery!? i would say hp but hes quite young, maybe u should go to ur local library and ask for books for his age group, make sure u tell the librarian ur problem and im sure he/she will be more then happy to help you out!.!.!.and im really sorry im no help, i really dunno what book to suggest for his age group :SWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm the same way, I have access to more books than you can possibly imagine, my family runs a non profit with the martin luther king library (largest library west of the mississippi), and we have free reign over all of the 30 pallets of books that come in per week; to read as we wish!.!.

So that being said, to answer your question, I think your brother needs a book that will grasp his interest, outside of sports, it will need some kind of hook!.!. like a suspenseful novel, or something that is going to make him have to think interactively with it!.

Good books for 10 year olds are too vague, it depends on his reading level, but if you really want to jump start his interest in reading, why not throw something with some depth in it at him!. (I'm not pushing this book on you or him, but I just finished up Angels and Demons, and given that it is meant for an accelerated vocabulary, it would be a good way to determine if he is up for in depth reads!.

Aside from that, I'd get him The Lost World, it has a well detailed map that you follow as you read the novel, and it's another one of those books that are really hard to put down!.

Just simple ideas that might kick start some interest, if you're done with the usual "simple" books for 10 yr olds, something with some depth could help!.

