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Question: Doesn't it bother you how!?
People keep comparing "Twilight" to Romeo and Juliet!?
I mean, come on!. Twilight doesn't even come CLOSE to Shakespeare's works!.
Any opinions!?
I'm a Twilight hater, by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I should start a recycling service that would melt down Twilight books and reprint Shakespeare onto the pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fiction is inspired by other fiction!. I am not a Twilight person OR a Shakespeare person!. So when I come to a question concerning T I just skip it!. Let them have their fun!. Think of the students who graduated from America's high schools this year who don't even know who Shakespeare is and probably don't have the reading ability to even tackle Twilight!. Comparing is a good creative skill!. It can be applied to other things!. Now if it were a couple of profs going at it, that would be different!. I am just happy about young people being excited by reading!. Yeah, I know, I'm just and old Pollyanna!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Romeo and Juliet and I like Twilight also!. But when it comes down to good literature and a great, grabbing plot it's Romeo and Juliet all the way!. No contest!. And I love the older movie they made, the good one!. It's way better than the Twilight movie looks!. Shakespeare is classic and so is this play!.

Romeo and Juliet beats it into the dust!.

Of course, I don't find them really similar in any way except for the whole forbidden love theme!. It's an awkward comparison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm not a Twilight hater by any means!. But no, it's nowhere near Romeo and Juliet!.

I really enjoy the Twilight Saga, but let's be honest here: Stephenie Meyer's writing skills are not the best!. She's good, I know, but she is very redundant in her writing and it gets a bit boring!.

Romeo and Juliet is awesome, Shakespeare was the best and I think Meyer meant for Twilight to be more of a "Wuthering Heights" anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked Twilight, i thought it was entertaining, but I have never heard comparisons to Romeo and Juliet!. Not in the literary world anyway!. Maybe in teenage book groups!. Shakespeare's work has been legendary for hundreds of years!.!.!.Twilight makes good beach reading and the hype will fizzle soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont see any resemblance between Twilight and Romeo and Juliet!. The only stories that come close to it are Scribbler of Dreams and Pyramus and Thisbe (which was written before Shakespeare and I think that is what he based it on)!. I like Twilight but no its not even close to Shakespeare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well (I AM NOT GAY!) I think that people should stop obbsesing - yes I know I can't spell - About that book!.
In my opinion it's not even written that well!.

And how can anyone compare those two!.!? I have never read Romeo and Juliet!.!.!.!.!. But I am sure it is better!.

Oh by the way before I get beat up by a bunch of girls!.!.!.!. again I would like apologize if anyone took that in an offensive way!. To people that love twilight!.!.ME TOO, for people that hate it!.!.!.ME TOO!.

(I am safe this way!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok well, Robert Pattinson is a majorrrrrrrr hottie but it sickens me tht all these fat emo kids are in love with him!. When i totally loved him since HP!. lol And Bekki you know we learned about Shakespeare in Edlund's class and I didn't really enjoy it but to be honest it was okay!. And it obviously can't compare to these stupid vampire books!. Like seriously, gimme a break, story line much to close to the fantasy HP stuff!? mhm!. Anyways Shakespeare was much more kickass than this probably stupid story!. (: ahahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

twilight sucks!. go on, thumbs down me!. stephanie meyer is a terrible writer!. i tried to read the books, i could not get past the first page, they suck so badly!. i'm not a huge shakespeare fan, but i like some of his work, and romeo and juliet is OBVIOUSLY better than TWILIGHTWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really enjoy the Twilight novels, so I disagree with you on that point!. However, I definitely don't think anything could compare to Shakespeare's masterpieces, people who say that are just misinformed, or maybe a little dumb, even!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think they're trying to compare the plot (two lovers trying to stay together!? [haven't read books]) to Shakespeare's plot of two lovers trying to stay together!. If they were comparing the writing, I think Shakespeare would roll over in his grave!.


Not really!.
Twilight is sorta like a preteen/teen version of Romeo And Juilet in some ways!. Of course it's not AS well written, but Romeo and Juilet a classic, and Twilight will not be considered a classic in 20 years :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm tired of hearing about Twilight!. Do they share anything other than premise!? If not, then why not compare them to Arthur Brooke's Romeus and Juliet and Palace of Pleasure by William Painter, since they were the sources of Shakespeare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really, because it is basically "forbidden love" because Edward's a vampire, and Bella's a human, and the Volturi have "rules" that say that they can't tell humans they're vampires!. Read it before you judge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight and Romeo and Juliet are totally different!. To be honest I like them both alot but for different reasons!. Everyone's opiinion is different and to be hones Twilight isn't that bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, New Moon is loosely based on R&J, and they're both about love!.!.!.not saying that Twilight is anywhere close to Shakespeare, just providing an explanation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, not so fun!. Just because there are lovers from diseparate "clans" doesn't mean that it automatically can be compared to Shakespeare's play!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

boo hoo!.

your a twilight hater!.
have you ever read it!?

i bet you have'nt cause your not cool enough (:
twilight rocks !.
your socks!.
u just dont know it yet (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight is not even close to shakespearWww@QuestionHome@Com

i havent read twilght but i see about 1,000 questions on it in here!. Im going to check it out!. And ill see if it is like R&JWww@QuestionHome@Com

same hereWww@QuestionHome@Com