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Question: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer chapter 22!?
Could anyone please summarize for me what happens in chapter 22 of "Eclipse"!? I think the chapter is called "Fire and Ice"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fire and Ice is when Edward, Bella, and Jacob are at the campsite!. Bella is half-asleep when she hears Jake and Edward talking!. Jake wants to know what Edward's thinking in return for Edward always knowing what Jake is thinking!. They get into a discussion about whether Edward is jealous of Jake!. Then Jake asks why Edward is turning Bella into a vampire!. Edward says that there were only four options from the beginning (hope she didn't love him, remain with her throughout her human life, leave and force her into option one, or turn her into a vampire), and he had tried all other options!. Both Jake and Edward get to know each other more, and at the end, Jake admits that at least he knows Edward loves Bella (they both still hate each other, though)!. Then Bella falls completely asleep, thinking that the entire conversation was a dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fire and Ice

You should read the chapter because its a really good one, where Jacob and Edward are talking!.

they are in the campsite inside the tent and Jacob is being Bella's blanket because Edward is cold and wont really help her in the situation!. Bellas is half awake and hears jacob and Edward talking!.

Jacob tells Edward that he is better suited for Bella and he asks Edward to kinda like leave for balls sake and Edwards like i wish but what happened to her in New Moon he doesnt ever want to leave her and they just tal about bellaWww@QuestionHome@Com

One of my favorite chapters :)
"Fire and Ice" summary!.!.!.

Bella and Edward are still in the tent!. Bella is freezing to death, and Jacob is howling outside!.
Jacob decides to go inside the tent and keep her warm by hugging her, his body heat actually calms her down!.
Bella falls asleep in Jacob's arms, and Jacob and Edward have a conversation about Bella!. They talk about each other's thoughts!. Jake wants to know what Edward is thinking, and Edward wants to know what Jacob is thinking!. Edward talks about how he feels !. Jacob asks Edward about Bella becoming a vampire!.
Edward says that there were only four options from the beginning (hope she didn't love him, remain with her throughout her human life, leave and force her into option one, or turn her into a vampire)!.
Both Jake and Edward get to know each other more, and at the end, Jacob admits that at least he knows Edward loves Bella!.
Bella falls asleep thinking the entire conversation was a dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The chapter fire and ice is basically the scene where Edward, Bella, and Jacob are in a tent together!. A lot of really good dialogue between Edward and Jacob about rivalry and Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahaha i just got some more points for this!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com