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Question: Has anyone read the book The Stand and seen the movie!?
I am always disappointed when I read a book and then see the movie if its alot different from the book!. Are they very similar, or are there significant differences!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are some exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, it's hard for a filmmaker to compete with your imagination!. That being said, Stephen King made a deal with ABC-TV to produce several of his stories in exchange for his writing several new stories to be made into TV movies!. The stories that he had already written that were turned into movies were "The Stand," and "The Shining!."

He said once that he had been naive when he sold the rights to "The Shining" to Stanley Kuprick, because he was new to Hollywood, and surrendered all control over the movie to the director!. He always wanted to tell "his" version of the story on film, and the ABC deal gave that to him!.

He also said that he was never tempted to sell "The Stand" to anyone unless he DID keep creative control over the project, and the ABC deal gave that to him, too!. The resulting mini-series is so true to the novel that much of the dialog is word-for-word!. There is some abbreviation of the suffering of the plague victims (like Larry's mother), but you'd expect that for TV!.

I've often said that "The Stand" is Mr!. King's magnum opus, his great work, and I've always recommended it!. If you enjoy the book, you really owe it to yourself to see the mini-series!. All the action and most of the dialog is in there!. Just don't expect it to substitute for your imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book will suffice!. I always recommend reading a book before seeing the movie adaptation because that eliminates your own ability to envision what the character(s) look like, including the multiple settings they find themselves in, etc!.

In general, The Stand is one of my favorite books about the human mentality when faced with a catastrophe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book is better, as usual!. The dream sequences are more graphic in the movie, though!. I also liked Gary Sinise's and Rob Lowe's performance in the movie!. But when I was reading the book, especially during the Captain Trips part, I felt like I was burning with Superflu, too!. :D:D:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

The book is, of course, better!. But the movie does a good job of sticking close to the book!. Its not perfect, but it would be impossible to put everything from the book into the movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought the mini-series was well done and pretty close to the book!. Probably that's because King actually was involved in the making of the mini-series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com