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Question: How is this beginning to my story!?
Im a 13 year old male, and have started an interest in writing!. Ive always been into robin hood, so i started writing this, 1-10 tell me honestly what you think about this first chapter!.

Bulls eye
The tale of Robin Hood

Chapter 1
The icy, bitter cold winds felt like knives on Robin Hood’s exposed face!. She looked down from the mountain, seeing her village dreaming of her nice warm bed… Her longbow and quiver of arrows were digging into her shoulders and her feet felt like they were going to fall off, it had been days since she had eaten!. Luckily she had found some edible roots and berries three days past!. The path was icy and the winds were howling and blowing fiercely threatening to plow her off the path, that she was already having difficulty staying steady on!. Her band of few people that had stayed with her consisted of only 3 men, Solomon, Bolton, and Barthello!. It had been 2 weeks since they set off from home, to find and slay the dragon!. She knew her father would not be happy when he figured out she had disobeyed him!. He never aloud her to even leave the courtyard, let alone to fight a dragon!. But the dragon will have been slayed, how could he still be mad at her after she brought home the dragons head!? After 2 days of going through the mountains, they reached a small cave opening!. They all knew they must have been close to the dragon because it was an almost instant climate change, from icy bitter cold now to a warm and cozy den, the dragon must be near Robin thought!. “We’ll rest here Robin” Barthello said setting down his pack!. “I’m exhausted!” “Too bad! We cant afford to stop here when were so close!” Robin said picking up his fallen pack and throwing it at him “Move!”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a good start!. I recommend you reading a book called "Everything I know about writing" by John Marsden!. It makes some good points about showing rather than telling and keeping the reader curious for more!. If you hold out on details, like why they left, the reader will want to keep reading to find out more!. Through consversation, you may be able to reveal more about Robin, the others, the conditions they are, personalities etc

Good Luck anyway, I hope these tips help :) Keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I give it like a 6, it's pretty good for your age, but the for a first chapter it seems rushed, you could add a lot more character background and dialog, something to allow the reader to connect more with the whole scenario, and some adjectives are a little redundant and unnecessary, where as there are some places that could use more description!. But it's good for a start, just continue writing, and maybe show to like your English teacher or something, the could probably give you a more thorough critique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com