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Question: Another tale of two cities question!.!.!?
In Chapter 3, Javais has a dream about talking to someone that is dead!. He tells him "I hope you care to live," and he responds, "Can't say!." Then he asks "Shall I show her to you!?," and the response is "It would kill meif i saw her too soon!?" Who is "her" refering to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's Mr!. Lorry who has the dream!. The someone who is dead is not told in this chapter, but you figure out that it refers to Dr!. Manette!. He was all but dead, buried in that prison without hope for so long!. No, he's not truly dead!. He was thrown into prison and all but forgotten - except by a few like Mr!. Lorry and, believe it or not, Monsieur Defarge!.

The she to which he refers is Lucie Manette, Dr!. Manette's daughter who was told as a child that her father was dead!.

Here's the chapter http://www!.online-literature!.com/dickens!.!.!. and here's some information from Yahoo Education http://education!.yahoo!.com/homework_help!.!.!. which is quite good!.

I hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com