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Question: Who are your favorite writers and why!?
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I read a book by Danielle Steel once called The Ring!. I liked that one very much!. Can't say the same about much else that I've read of hers though!.

My favourite I think has to be Jilly Cooper!. She writes easy to read books that are amusing and immensely entertaining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jane Austen - I love the romance in her books, and I also like classic literature

Louisa May Alcott - I loved Little Women and other novels, but Little Women is just amazing!

Lewis Carroll - Because I love some childish fantasy

I must admit though, I'm not really into Shakespeare! Although he is considered the father of literature and so!.!. But I just didn't like his writing!.!.

anyway! I'm currently reading Where the Heart is!.!. and it's obviously going to be on my favorite book list!. it's by Billie Letts!.

hey, what about you, who are YOUR favorite authors, and why!? =) interested to know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love reading anything except non-fiction, though I read some!. I'm more into crime/murder mysteries (especially the old British country house murder variety) and fantasy!. My favorites are Agatha Christie (especially his Hercule Poirot), P!.D!. James, Ngaio Marsh, Dorothy L!. Sayers, Ruth Rendell, Jack Higgins (especially his books on Sean Dillon), James Patterson for that genre!.

For fantasy, I go for J!.R!.R!. Tolkien and everything he wrote especially his Middle Earth saga, C!.S!. Lewis and his Narnia Chronicles, J!.K!. Rowling and her Harry Potter!.

For humor, I've always loved the late Erma Bombeck!. She is very hilarious!.

For mythology, I go for Edith Hamilton (Her Mythology books is where I get my son's name Ymir from)!. And Mary Renault!.

I love those writers for different reasons!. Most of them are dead and their books are considered classics already!. Their style of writing keeps me glued on reading!. They stimulate my intellect and imagination!. Their works are not boring making me read them more than once!. I think that's the foremost quality I look for in a good writer!. If they can induce me to read their work more than once, then they're good!. Those peoples' works, I must have read at least five times already!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my favorite author is Stephan King and Anne Rice!.

i like stephan because of his stories and his ideas are so origonal and interesting!. most people wouldnt think of things like The Dark Tower trilogy or The Shining or Carrie!. things that make you think and catch you by surprise!.

Anne Rice makes her charachters interesting and with so much personality!. my favorite creations of hers was Luis - a vampire in her most famous series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will always think that Isaac Asimov was the greatest writer of all time!. He wrote broadly, over numerous disciplines, and in a variety of genres!. He was exceptionally knowledgeable, well-read, and certainly prolific!. His writing was very easy and yet not obvious; it was entertaining, even provocative, and I always had the feeling that he was teaching me so much about the world -- and beyond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sarah Dessen: She doesn't give you the normal, every day teen story!. They deal with REAL issues, an occasional cliche mean girl, but rarely ever does she go into detail with it!. If she does do a popular girl, then she shows the downs of it, rather than picking out the materialistic sides!.

J!.K!. Rowling: No one can write a witches and wizards story like she can, hands down!.

Lurlene McDaniel: Typically, I don't like sappy love stories!. But everyone of her books are cheesy and make me cry, yet somehow I love them!. I love her stories, but not her writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sherrilyn Kenyon -because her world creation is amazing and her characters are so full of life!. I cannot put her books down!.

J!. R!. Ward-again, her world development is excellent!. All her characters and plotlines are interesting and I anticipate every new book in her blackdagger brotherhood series!.

Both write paranormal romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kevin J!. Anderson, he writes really good science fiction, he has like a 8 book series going on now, my dad and I listen to it on our ipod when were going somewhere!. Its soooo addicting and humerous
Anothony Horowitz- british writer who wrote the Alex Rider Series!. He's really good, its humerous and each time I read it there's new details I never noticed before!. I can really relate to the charactor and the bad guys evil plans aren't stupid ones, they're very well thought out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I like James Patterson mostly because he is a wonderful mystery writer, and he writes short chapters!. I used to read him all the time when I took the subway to work!. I could always stop at the end of a chapter when it came to my stop, rather than in the middle of one!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mine would have to be Stephen King!. You really get into his books once you start reading them!. He also has good vocabulary, so he uses big words, which I like!.
The characters, plot, themes, etc!. are well thought out, which makes the story a whole lot better!.
All in all, he is just an amazing author and person!

Not that I want to blow my own trumpet or anything (well, alright, I do really) but I myself am my favourite writer and author!.

If you want to check out my work, you can read the first chapter of my novel online at http://writeaholics!.net/pfr!.html!. It's a horror novel about a computer game that is possessed!.


Kurt Vonnegut - so screwy, sarcastic, and intelligent that each work reads differently each time

David Starkey - heavy historical material made totally accessible to laymen

Oliver Sacks - interesting little stories about his patients in clear cut language (he's a psychologist)

can't think of any others at the momentWww@QuestionHome@Com

I really like Stephanie Meyer because i LOVE the way she writes and develops the characters
i also like Phillip Pullman for the same reasons and also because im really interested in anything to do with England before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie Meyer!. She is the best author ever!! Her books are amazing and im always thinking about them!. She is sooo discriptive and loves to put little twist and turns where your not expect them!. All in all she is absolutely BRILLIANT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite is Laurell K!. Hamilton!. She's really good at descriptions and her characters all have depth!. I also like Kim Harrison and Stephanie Meyer!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ahhh!. Mark Twain and Joanne Rowling!. They were both revolutionary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of fav is Stephine Meyer!.!.!. She wrote the best series ever!! Twilight!!Www@QuestionHome@Com