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Question: New idea for a book!?
so it is a community of vamipers undercover in a town called Sheerman, TA!. TA stands for transelvainia!. Everybode knows that vampires are fake, or at least, thats what they think!. They have big nice houses all around transelvainia, so it attracts people looking for a home!. The community of vampires is called Maica!. They have vampires who set out to normal jobs, such as doctors, buisnessmen, and even teachers!. The head of Maica is the dark vampire named Vrector!. He usually sets out for people who are mentally and phisically stable!. He sends his vamipres out to their jobs, gets them in a quiet room with no one else and bites them!. They immediatly become vampires!. But as Johnny Kaiko and his family find a home in Transelvainia, on a walk one day, he finds green bubbly stuff!. He tastes it!.!.!. normally in stories this would be a bad idea but in this one that was the best choice he ever made in his life!. He was now immuned!. Now Johnny alone must stop the vampires but how!? find out in the bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
people should not comment on the idea but so far its not bad for an adventure book or novel and if you want it to be good try to make something new in the vamps that have never been made befor but for a i like the basic idea and i think it can be good but i noticed a little problem and i hope you have an anwser for it which is when he found this green bubbly thing, first who left it there and second why would anyone tase anything!. so thats is if you solve this thing it will be good, am sure you will meet alot of problems as you go on writing but you will solve them but just dont let main big problems last much cuz they destroy the story!. hope this helps you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really think you should do some research about Transylvania before writing about it!.

also, don't you think the Transylvania vampire bit is a little over-done!? And if Vrector is such a "dark" vampire and turning others against their wills, why don't the other vampires revolt against him!?

And why the Hell would ANYONE just drink mysterious green, bubbling liquid that was left just lying in the road!? Is your protagonist retarded or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampire books are the hot thing these days, and though I like your story Critics may be less forgiving!. However, the premise is interesting, lone survivor esque!. I like it!. Though your title is a bit cliched (not bad though!.) I wrote a short vampire story called "Blood on the Moonbeam!." I think that sounds pretty cool!. The Clan of Sheerman is also good cause it rhymes hehe!. All in all, it's up to you!. Keep writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love vampire books!.
this one sounds interesting

i would also like the title ''Vampires in Transelvania'' but your is good too
maybe instead of drinking a green thing , it could be that he found a pendant or something that makes him immune while he has it with himWww@QuestionHome@Com

It seems a bit common, so you'd have to put in a lot of twists and turns, but if you really want to write it, I say go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why but it seems to me like everyone is writing books lately having to do with vampires!.!.!.

None of them beat Twilight so I think you should rethink your book!.!.!.


<3 KelseyWww@QuestionHome@Com

How about!.!.!.!.!.!.!. Twilight in Maica!.


I really love vampire novels and think that if you really want to write this than you should!. As you write, you'll be able to add all of the details to your story and work out the problems you may encounter!. also, even if you end up unsatisfied with your work, it is still good practice!.

The only suggestion I have would be to find a more believable way for the protaganist to drink this liquid!.!.!.ie!. maybe it was placed by another charcter in a drink in a failed attempt to kill!.!.!.ect!. It would be hard to believe ths would be an accident!.

But anyway, good luck writing! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com