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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Searching for a book...Russian boy, very smart...has a sniper-like bodyguard...b

Question: Searching for a book!.!.!.Russian boy, very smart!.!.!.has a sniper-like bodyguard!.!.!.being smuggled, uh, somewhere!?
I am searching for a book that I read long ago!.!.!.and I don't have many details!. It focused on a young Russian (!?) boy that was extremely intelligent and an excellent chess player!. I think he was being smuggled to some super-smart institution!. He had a "protector" following him, and at one point, to prove a point to his captor, he stuck an apple on a stick for the "protector" to shoot, sniper-style!.!.!.which he did!. He would play chess in his mind to feign sleep!. That's all I've got!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
'Daddy' by Loup Durand!.

I read that one ages ago (pre-teens, I think) and I'm so glad you reminded me of it! Like you, I remember heaps of tiny details but not the title!. For example when the person at the beginning of the book wrote out a list of false names and occupations, he included some real names, such as Adolf Hitler, hysterical housepainter!. There were a few moments of panic when I thought I wouldn't be able to find the book again!.


artemis fowl!?

not too sure bout thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes i think its daddy!.!.!.in other words!.!. what she said ^^
hope this helps
(even though it doesnt really :P)Www@QuestionHome@Com