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Question: For FUN writing contest! 10 points!!!?
u can write about anything, story wise though, and it can't be too long, but not too short!. ^^k
so pleaze write a story
im bored 2 death ^^"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hey my name is jasmine too!! this is a poem i wrote!.!.!.
Thou'st created by the creators of love
with the serving of love,
comes the side dish of hurt
with Cupid's sweet arrow,
comes the piercing sting of sorrow
and with the sweet dream of a loving romance,
comes with a dreadful nightmare of pain you enhance
If I had known more to beware,
more than to love,
I would not have endured the agony as hurtful and evil as the Devil's snare!.
i did for school not for this!.!.!.well there it was hope u liked it:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is actually something I wrote for one of my novels, but now it doesn't seem to fit anywhere to enhance the story!. So here goes!.!.!. it's not a story in itself, though!.

“Apple Brew”

“Our apples red, stored in a vat
And underground for aft a year
Are opened up at autumn's frost
And squeezed to make midwinter's beer!.

“One frigid night, beside the fire
That warmed midwinter's festival,
While feasters filled on royal fare,
I downed a cup of apple swill!.

“The hair that hung down from my nose
Fell out and fluttered to the floor!.
It burned my throat and bathed my eyes,
And so I gulped a tankard more!.“

“The second cup of apple draught
Had filled me with the summer heat!.
In winter's hall of revelry,
My tunic met my hostess' feet!.

“The ladies fair cried out in awe,
All blinded by my form so fine!.
I raised my mug in toast to love
And downed my third of apple wine!.“

“A hero strong of ballads sung,
A gallant man who knew no fear!.
I turned and saw my own dear wife
And knew I'd need another beer!.

“So after one more cup of ale,
And a fifth one, just in case,
A lovely haze impaired my eyes!.
A halo graced my lady's face!.“

“Two girlish breasts, so firm and full,
Had risen from around her waist!.
Two rows of green and jagged teeth
Had grown back in her lovely face!.

“A voice that croaked a raven's call
Was now a sparrow's lovely song!.
A tangled mess of haystack hair
Was full and lustrous and long!.

“A toast to orchard's ample wares!.
Descendant of grisette and frog
Had turned into sultana fair
With just five cups of apple grog!.“Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once upon a time there was this girl that was so bored she wanted people to write stories to entertain here!. Well it so happens that there was this bored guy that had nothing else better to do, so he decided to write something to entertain this bored girl!.

As he was trying to think what to type to entertain this poor bored girl that he called the national bordum hotline!. They suggested for me to tell the poor girl to watch tv or call a friend and go out and do something!. But I told them that I was almost sure she thought of that, they then put me on hold to transfer me to the branch manger, where I been waiting for some time now listening to the dull music theme of That 70's show over and over!.!.!.!.!.!. now I am bored wishing that I had someone to write me a story to entertain me! heheWww@QuestionHome@Com

Standing on the edge, i feel so alone!. Right now the only friend I have is the wind singing through the trees!. Its the exact song I need to hear right now!. So relaxing and calm!. But it cant take away the pain!. When I come back to reality I realize the tears have started to roll down my face!. I wish I could take back everything I saind and hold him tight, but its too late!. I did it agian!. Messed up everything I had!. What can I do to take it back!? I look down onto the street!. Such a far fall!. Right now death is my only solution, but is it a risk worth taking!? If its the only way I can get him to notice me i'll do it!. I hear his footsteps coming, but they are slow!. He must not take me serious!. But at this point Im willing to try anything to make this relationship work!. Iv tried everything and this seems to be my only option!. "Tiffany, you won't do it!. I can gaurentee!." I close my eyes tight and clench my fist!. Who does he think he is!? Iv tried giving in and standing my ground!. Nothing works with this guy!. "You realize I love you more than anything!.!.!." He wipsers in my ear!. "How can we be together forever if your gone!?"
My body becomes weak and I begin to cry!. As i put my hands up to my face I take the step!. The step right into the middle of nowhere!. The step leading to my fate!. As i think im falling i realize Im falling backwards, right into his arms!. "Why are you doing this to me! I dont diserve you!" Im struggling to get loose!. But he is sitting on the ground holding me tight!.
"I already told you!. Your the one for me!. And I will do WHATEVER it takes to make you realize i can't live without you!. Anything you want, consider it yours!. Becuase your my world baby and not one sigle thing is more important!." I put my head on his shoulder!. He's right, how can I be with the man of my dreams forever if Im gone!? How could be so selfish and only think about myself!. This has to work both ways!. It takes two to tango, Im lucky i still have my other half!.
"I love you Ryan!. Don't let me go!.!.!.!. ever!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fun writing contest!? Well, nothing says fun like an abortion short story!.

Aborted Regrets

It was supposed to be just that- an it, a thing!.

It wasn't supposed to be a he; he wasn't supposed to have my boyfriend's dark hair or my crooked pinkies or my father's flat nose!.

He was just supposed to be an it, a thing, a clump of cells!.!.!.!.He wasn't supposed to look so much like a child- like my child would!.

As I placed my hands over my newly flattened stomach, I felt emptier than I thought I would!.

I looked towards the doctor, he smiled at me, warm and sympathetic!.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't!.!.!." The words spilled from my mouth without conscious thought despite the fact that I had nothing to apologize for!.

The doctor shushed me gently and placed his hand on my shoulder!. I found the gesture to be ironically fatherly!.

"It's alright!. You don't have to explain!. I understand!."

But the words didn't comfort me; after all, I hadn't been justifying myself to him, but rather trying to justify myself to an unborn boy with dark hair and a flat nose, with eyes that never opened and ears that never heard me apologize- a boy who only really existed inside of me!.

A boy, who in leaving my body, stole some small piece of my heart and left regret to fill its place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So there was this girl named Jasmin!.!.!.
she was really bored
so she thought im going to post a question asking these people to write a storie!.!.!.
So this girl named kay said, "why not"
and now she is writting about this show she is watching called the family guy!.!.!.
and peter thinks hes black!.!.!.
Its very funny Theres a chair that talks!.!.!. In peters playhouse!

HEhe that was just a song that peter was singing

so yup yup this is whats up!.!.!.

You know what you can do when your bored!.!.

*look at tatoos that you want*
*play on myspace*
Have sex*
watch the family guy!!!
Cuddle with your love
play with new makeup
start a journal
go to the strip club

yup yup just thought i would helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is a true story!. A family member was diagnosed 30 years ago with schizophrenia!. As a result, he lost his first love!. 6 years later, the love he lost was in a horrible car accident with a brain injury and was in a coma!. She came out of the coma and after years of rehabilitation, she can lead a somewhat normal life, with physical and mental struggles!. 2 years ago, just by chance, the girl's family took her to a center that helps physically and mentally challenged adults lead independent lives!. My family member had been going to this center for years!. They were reunited by chance, both living with physical and mental impairment, hers due to her brain injury, and his due to the medicine he takes to control his mental condition!. They were married a year ago and now live together in a condo!. They met when they were about 16 y/o and married when they were almost 50!. She wore a necklace to her wedding he had given her at age 16!. In their condo hangs a needlepoint that she had given him at age 16!. He had never dated another woman in between the time he dated her and married her! sniff sniff Just trying to help you with your boredom!Www@QuestionHome@Com

She took the A train downtown!. She already knew she was 15 minutes late!. If she got off at Empire and 18th, she could cut across the Starbucks on Lexinton and save a couple minutes!. But work was still 20 minutes away!. It was already 10 after!. She ran across Lexington, then across Market Street!. She saw the coffee cart up ahead, it was cheaper than Starbucks and always fresh!. She stopped to buy a cup!. She glanced at her watch, she was ahead by 5 minutes!. If she just cut across the next two streets she could get to the office just in time!. She darted across the street, and then the next, but she saw a flashing light!. Everything went silent!. She heard mumbling, and flashing lights!. When she finally realized she was laying on the ground!. "How did I get here!?" she thought!. All she heard was loud mumbling and then she heard "Are you alright!? You were hit by a car!." Then all the sound came back in a rushing whirl of pain!. She heard sirens, and chattering people staring around!. She heard the man in the car shouting, and a few women crying!. Everything was moving so fast and she couldn't feel a thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A young girl born to hippies, raised w/o direction!. Grows up, and survives rape, physical abuse, mental illness, and all people tell her is its time to accept that its not her fault!. She wants to become something, no matter what anyone thinks!. She fails at marriage, because it wasnt true love, it was marriage for security, he had a good job, and wouldnt cheat!. She learns from this part of her life, that every decision she makes, is forming the type of person she will be for the rest of her life!. She feels the stong desire of a companion, but no one seems to understand!. what will happen to her!? Shes took out her anger and emotional pain on herself, so her entire left forearm is scarred!. Deep scars, staples & stitches and knicked arteries!. She has overcome cutting, but still feels alone!. Of course she has Mommy issues, because her mother is stuck in the "its okay to have free love" days or "just leave the house unlocked " days!. She has come withdrawn, and lonely!.

No one cares, everyone important in her life has proved this!.

Everyone has abandoned her, in her most depressive state!.

All hope is lost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do poems count!? Well if they do!.!.!.

You and me, have our highs and lows
with each and every day, the love in my heart grows

My head's up in the clouds, up so very high
my love for you is like a bird, flying in the sky

I cant describe this feeling, this feeling I adore
What makes me feel this way!? Loving you forevermore

As I lay in my bed tonight,
As nothing is the same,
All the miles from our worlds,
Disappear while I think about your face,

All the words I cannot express,
All fill into my mind,
Although my head is a mess,
My heart's working overtime,

Thinking back to that time and day,
All the time I had wasted,
Now my skies are turning gray
Knew I could never face it

My story is finished
And now I must depart,
Make very sure to be gentle,
What you're holding is my heart!.

My two best
Tell me what ya think :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK so this moment was like the worst thing to happen to me in elem entry school, but now I can laugh about it hopefully you can too!. it was in the second grade!. Our class was going to watch a movie and another class was going to watch it with us in the same classroom so my teacher moved all the desks against the walls leaving room for the kids from the other class to sit on the floor!. The kids form the other class thought it was cool to sit under the desks that other people were already sitting in!. So half way through the movie I let out a super loud fart and the guy sitting right under me shouts was that you and I said no and then it started to smell and he goes it was you and quickly moves out form under my desk!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All right,
A rich and powerful who had never had his true love until, fell into the hands of a sweet young beautiful woman, who's eyes sparkled like the stars up in the sky!. They first met in a market where, villagers struggle for food, cause had only one market, and the landlord bought it all, so with nothing to eat, except garbage, the sweet young woman, put her life on the line to get to the richest man, in that country, with miles to walk and forest' to cross, she finally reached the castle, knocked on the door and walked silently in with the man who, had more money than the landlord, she was in a conversation on buying the village market so that the food could be sold to the villagers, but the man said that he would only do that for a person he knew, but once he looked directly into the eyes of the girl the man felt like he was in a park filled with beautiful flowers, and the girl went back to talking about the village market, the man now agreed to buy the market, the woman was shocked, how fast he changed!.!.!.!. wait wrong draft!.

ill write a new one, this is my familys version of beauty and the beast, so at the end of beauty and the beast they were at the ball, thats where it starts!.

so they were at a ball, and then the old lady who turned the prince into a beast, knocked at the door, using her younger body, so she asked if she could stay overnight because she had no home, the beast and bell didnt recognize her because she was in her young form, anyways, she was there for a reason, TO KILL BELL, Why!? so the prince could love her and not bell, so she did kill bell, and told the prince that he needs to love her because bells dead, then if he loves her, the witch, he will turn human, but the beast said that even if it means turning into a human again, i still wont love anyone the way i loved bell, and nothing can change that, i wont love anyone except her,

i didnt add lots of details cause you said short!. =) that was just one part!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would wear your face on my shirt,
Hunt anyone down that dished you dirt!.
Smile and laugh at your silly jokes,
Turn around and tell them to my goofy folks!.
I would run into your arms after a long week,
Softly lifting my head to your cheek!.
Beam as you sang our simple songs,
Blush as you perfected my foolish wrongs!.
I would become goolie-eyed over your smile,
Flashing my own grin all the while!.
Skip a beat as you held my hand,
Crinkle my toes in the park’s sand!.
I would let you take a turn to cry on my shoulder,
Be your girl, be your holder!.
Hand you my heart in a split second,
Fix your problems if you beckoned!.
I would race you to the nearest ledge
And if you caught me I’d jump off the edge!.
Understand that you are extremely rare,
Cuddle to you, you big polar bear!.
I would run for miles just to see you,
Even swim across the ocean if I had to!.
Give you my all and my heart for sure,
When you’re sick I’ll be your cure!.
I would stay up on the phone until dawn,
Let you talk on and on!.
Say what I mean and stick to my word
Be your bunny and who you preferred!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK one time i though i would bug my cat just to see what he would do and it worked i made him so mad he just kept biting and i pulled away i was done playing and started wacthing TV well just out of the blue he got up and took a hunk off of my big toe i screamed and called him a fat ****** but it was my fault i guess but know that i think of it !.!.!.it was funny as hell

don't do too much while your board you never know what your going to get!.!.he heWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ha, I used to write tons of stupid little stories in my free time at school and I just happened to keep some of them, so here's one:

The Bunny That Hopped to IHOP!
A bunny hopped to IHOP where a pancake somehow landed on its head!. It tried to eat the pancake, but couldn’t because it was on its head!. The bunny decided to find someone who could help him!. He hopped down the road and came to a bird!. “Mr!. Bird,” said the bunny!. “Can you help me get this delicious pancake off my head!?”
“I’d love to,” said Mr!. Bird!. “April Fools!” Mr!. Bird then said!.
Mr!. Bird is so mean!
The bunny was very sad and started to cry!. Then a horse came trotting along and said “Bunny, I’ve heard there’s a rainbow that is very pretty, and at the end there’s a pit of pancakes guarded by the pancake leprechaun!.”
“Thank you Mr!. Horse!” replied the bunny!.
So the bunny went all the way to Pancaketopia and found the rainbow!. The bunny hopped on the rainbow and slid down into a pot of pancakes!. The pancake leprechaun saw the bunny and laughed!. The bunny said “I have have no idea what you’re talking about, so I’m a bunny with a pancake on my head!.”
The bunny had said the magic words and the pancake fell off its head and then the bunny ate them all!.
THE END!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well it was about 11 years ago when I was dating my ex husband we had been engaged for about 6 months we were at my apartment and decided to have sex it was going real smooth when all of the sudden all of his weight went on me full force I thought he was trying to take it in deeper so I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer well he got this weird look on his face and I asked him if he was okay and he said not really I asked him if I hurt him and he said no so I asked him if he was about to C** and he said not yet so finally I said WTF is wrong and he said can we stop for a minute and I'm like sure what's the problem and he said I just want to get this F***ing cat off my back!. When his weight went on me is when my cat jumped on his back and started massaging his back to make a place to lie down!. I couldn't apologize enough needless to say I gave the cat to my sister because EVERY TIME we has sex the cat would pull his little stunt and if I shut the door so he couldn't get into my room he would bawl and meow like someone was killing him!.Now that was embarrassing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i was at this pool the other day at a park
and my friends and i were swimming right!.!.!.
then we were by the diving board
and this gorilla aka huge black girl dived off the board and landed on my friend hahahahha it knocked her out for like 3 minutes!.!.!.scary at the moment but way funny now
but you had to be there lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

well, i can tell you something about my ex,

he left me a fake voice mail on my cellphone telling m that my new boyfriend said it ws over, and i totally believed it, but it wasn't true so I'm okay now!.

and sorry if it want what you wanted, but it was just at the top of my headWww@QuestionHome@Com

the mile !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. A man is dumped in a woods a mile long!. they are hunting him!. he has too run to get out of the woods!. the mile is longer then a normal mile!. hes scared but wants too live!. hes hit! there over him!. throat sliced!. crying ,chocking ,silence ,death!.laughter endWww@QuestionHome@Com

There was this girl, who was bored, so she picked up a book and started reading!. When she was done, she picked up another one!. With each one she learned a little more about the word around her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Once upon a time there was a lovely little sausage called Brian and he lived happily ever after!.

EDIT mtr Those books were obviously atlases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahaha! I liked the one about Brian the sausage!Www@QuestionHome@Com

there once was a man named bob!. bob was too lazy to write an entire story!. the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this sounds like fun, but I'm wayy to tired to write right now!.
I like the idea though :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


The end

Isn't it great!? I know you like it!.!. So wheres my 10 points!? XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Anisha sunk onto the bathroom floor!. Her head, pounding, her heart, beating fast!. She had to do this fast!. She just couldn’t think about it!. It’s for the good of everyone, she thought!. For the good of myself too!. They will be happier without me!.
She grabbed the pills from her book bag!. The coast was clear!. It was time to end her world of misery!. The quicker the better, she thought!. She took a deep breath, “on the count of three”, she said to herself!. Holding the pills in her hand, she counted, “One… Two… HEY! Shouted a familiar voice bursting in through the door!. The pills dropped from her hands onto the floor!. She would have to end her pain later!.
It was a very humid afternoon!. A real tiring one too!. Cars honking with no consideration, and red lights popping up everywhere!. He had to drop off the car notes with the dealer, check out a new house, and then head on back to work!. There would be no time for lunch!. The light turned green!. The phone rang!. He examined the call number!. Recognizing it, he pounded his fists into the wheel!. What did Anisha do this time, he thought to himself!.
He answered the phone with his sweetest voice
Mr!. James- Hello
Caller- May I speak to the parent of Anisha James!?
Mr!. James- This is him!. I’m Mr!. James
Caller- Oh good!. Um- Mr!. James we have a concern
Mr!. James- (with a sigh) what’s the problem!?
Caller- I don’t know how to say it, so I’m just going to come right out with it!. Anisha attempted to take her life today
Mr!. James- (Raising his brow) is she dead!?
Caller- Uh- no
Mr!. James- Good!. (Hangs up the phone)
End of Conversation

Faces passing by!. Some happy, some with blank expressions!. She looked at all of them!. A couple holding hands, a group of girls walking together and laughing!. She could just imagine herself, walking with them!. Instead of pimple face, they would be shouting her real name!. “Hey- her thoughts were interrupted as someone slammed into her back, her books falling on the floor!. This day couldn’t get any worse!. She bent down, to pick up her books!. She looked at her watch, it was time to go to the bathroom!. She stacked up her books and held them in her hand!. She had to go quick if she was going to make it to first period in time!.

Heres one i wrote when i was board!. Its my own section of The Odyssey!.

As a long journey through what seemed to be an endless track of raging monsters and vengeful gods came to an end, Odysseus could see his homeland appear on the horizon behind the golden sunrise!. His heart fluttered with the sight of his dear Ithaca and the thoughts that filled his mind with images of his beautiful Penelope!. The lost child had finally rested in his mother’s arms!. He had conquered all and defeated countless perils!. Nothing in the world would have prepared him for what followed unless he had learned that the unpredictable would happen at the worst time!.
Out of the waves of flowing bliss, a hurricane erupted and started to suck everything within miles!. Ithaca itself was threatened by the swirl of angry powerful, unforgiving water shooting out of the ocean’s surface!. Odysseus used every bit of strength in his body to pull from the spiraling winds of watery air!. He was only able to resist for a few moments before the controlling winds wrenched him below the glittering surface of the sea!. For a second he could see the sun’s rays penetrating the watery waves but then he was thrust into complete darkness!.
Before he could grasp what had happened, there was a bright light shined upon his body’s deep muscular figure!. The light was surely the light of the heavens above beckoning him forward to afterlife!. Zeus’s voice boomed through the surroundings!. The thunderous voice had brought Odysseus to his senses!. He was not in the heavens or in Zeus’s presence!. He looked around at the strange setting that was enclosing him!. A bubble of crisp air at the ocean’s bottom was formed around him!. He went to the side and pressed upon the edges of the sphere just to find it was hard as rock!. He had faintly gazed upon his ship afloat far above were he was sprawled!. Odysseus arranged himself in a more dignifying manner!. He thought that the noise that had awakened him must be whomever had sent the hurricane from the oceans depths!. Odysseus used his cunning mind to think of a way to discover who controlled the bubble that he was in!.
Since the bubble was surrounded by water he didn’t immediately realize where a cowardly king could hide!. But there was a bizarre creature circling the outside of the bubble!. A beastly monster with fangs, ailing green scales and a dragonhead had a lengthy tail that whipped around in a circler motion to propel itself and create hurricanes!. Odysseus was grateful when he realized that his sword was with him!. The creature seemed to have become uninterested with Odysseus because it swam away!. Odysseus was pondering ways to lore the creature into the bubble so he could fight the repulsive monster!. The plan was unneeded because the unknown individual had come back and rammed through the bubble!. Odysseus thought that the water would have descended on to him leaving him exposed to the monster but to his surprise he was wrong!.
As the bubble renewed itself the monster formed a mischievous look on its face!. It said in a smooth voice “ Now that I have trapped you here, I am sure you know that you are going to be my dinner!. If you battle me there will be no hope at all!. I am undefeated!. Just let me swallow you in one and get it over with!.”
“I surrender!. I have placed myself in to a situation I can’t trick out of!. You are obviously the stronger rival!. Let it go down in history you are the one to defeat the Great Odysseus!.”
The monster looped once around the bubble and then took the plunge pinning Odysseus between the three-foot long fangs!. The monster had followed Odysseus’s plan!. Odysseus flexed his arms out above his head snapping the fangs out of the monster’s mouth!. With one swift movement the fangs were in the hands of Odysseus and stabbed through the roof of the monster’s mouth penetrating the brain!. Blood oozed out from the gash seeping upon Odysseus’s body staining his clothes a deep shade of crimson!. A few moments passed when the bubble popped upon its master’s death!.
The water swarmed the air pocket drenching Odysseus with frosty liquid!. The carcass of the monster was dyeing the water scarlet with blood!. Wheezing for breath Odysseus swam to his ship and climbed aboard!.
He looked up at his wonderful Ithaca knowing everything he has gone through was worth it!. He gazed only for a few moments not wanting to delay his arrival to his kingdom any longer!. The sun now was far behind the land casting his ship into silhouette against the sunset as he prepared to set sail to his stunning Penelope!. His fantasy's coming closer and closer to reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com