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Question: What's with all the demonic romance novels latley!?
I am an avid romance reader and I've read my fair share!. Recently at Hastings almost every single romance novel there has some sort of "monster" genre tied to it!. Vampires, werewolves, witches!.!.!.where does it stop!? Why are authors shoving that stuff down societies throat!? What happened to the good ol wholesome novels!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Paranormal romance is hot stuff in the publishing idustry right now that is why you are finding it everywhere!. Lots of people are buying it!. An article here discusses this http://www!.news!.com!.au/couriermail/story!.!.!.

Romance authors in particular, will write what the publishers are asking them for and paying them to write!.

There are still "wholesome" romances out there, just check the back of the book to make sure you haven't picked up a paranormal / supernatural romance imprint!.

My suggestion - look for historical romance imprints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The genres are called paranormal (in the case of romance) and urban fantasy!.

Authors are not "shoving" anything down reader's throats!. I happen to be among the thousands of romance lovers who actually fancy these subcategories!. I haven't grown tired yet and I've been reading these sort of stories for over five years now!. You can rest assured that if readers themselves didn't like the genre, the publishers wouldn't be so keen in continuing to publish paranormal/urban fantasy stories!.!.!. Why!? because they wouldn't be making any money out of them if readers didn't like them!. That is what happened with some types of historical romance: sales stalled and publishers reduced the number of historical romances they contracted!. Thankfully, historicals seem to be picking up again!.

There is a whole genre called "Inspirational romance" that caters to "wholesome"!. On the same vein, there are authors who do keep their romances "clean" on purpose (if that is what you mean by "wholesome")!. One example that comes to mind is Lynn Kurland, who writes wonderful time travel romance!.

Frankly, I appreciate the diversity romance gives me!. And thankfully, the romance genre doesn't just cater to "wholesome" audiences!. If it did, it would be pretty boring, in my opinion, and many would just walk away from it after a while, myself included!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The classical and "wholesome" novels are out there!. You may just not be looking in the right section!.
There are so many magical and fantasy romance because that's what people like so other people write it!. Almost every girl dreams at one point or another, for something unrealistic and exciting to happen to them!. They want to be the special one that falls in love with a vampire or discover their secret powers!.
These type of books will keep coming forever!. If they stop publishing them, then there will be no fantasy/romance books!.
There may be tons of fantasy/romance novels out there, but there are still plenty of "good and wholesome" ones, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well because right now it is taboo, and some readers more along a gothic line find it more appealing!. It is getting rather played out!. I prefer dark in a more quaint way like VC Andrews!. But if you need some good old fashioned romance reads try some Danielle Steel books, the book Jewels by her is fantastic!. and as always Gone With The WInd is a wonderul romance novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's just some of the few!.!.!. If you weren't concentrating on catching all the romances with mythical creatures, I'm sure you wouldn't have been bothered as much!.
And they're not 'demonic!.' Are you calling us, the people who like the stuff, demonic too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you have to criticize what others like to read!?

I like romantic fantasy, and you like wholesome novels!.!.!.why do you care what I like!?

now go read a wholesome novel or something, and leave me to my werewolves and vampires!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i with you !. i'm in love with the twilight serie but all the other books is getting on my last nerve!.

there's are like fashion!. someone start then everyone is a copy cat but i know some books are actually good so donnt take it the wrong wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

For the most part I don't think of romance as good wholesome novels (at least not the ones they sell in the supermarket it can be done right like atonement etc!.) but it's just feeding off the Twilight craze that's popular now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those are just popular ones because we havn't had them before!. there are still plently of real "human" love stories being published!. You just have to look harder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!. i don't know!.!.!. miss ashley ann "slaughter"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it's all the rage! Get with the now!.!.!. duh
