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Question: Who read The Host book/*spoilers* !?
so i just finished the book, i was kind of upset then happy at the end and how everything came out to be!.

but who do you prefer!? Jared or Ian!?
(with wanda)

i like ian with wanda, but sometimes i think it would be more exciting if jared was with her!. ian seems kind of boring to me, i totally expected that he would fall for wanda because he was everywhere in the middle of the book!. and i got bored somewhat!. and it seems the book isnt going to be much of mel anymore!. but i enjoyed the book overall and can't wait for the sequel!. so what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Definitely Ian!. Jared and Wanda could never be i don't think!. To many personality clashes!. Jared needs Mel, and nothing can change that!.
I loooooooved it! Am waiting with baited breath for the sequel :) Even if Melanie does not play a big part, i still really like WandaWww@QuestionHome@Com

i prefer ian!.

and not to be a downer but this book was meant to be a stand-alone, not the start of a series!. (which kinda upset me because it's like come on what's the deal with burns!?!!?!!?!)Www@QuestionHome@Com