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Question: Prospective summary- would you mind critiquing please!?
Would you mind reading this summary and telling me if this is a book you would pick up and investigate further!? Thanks!.

The stories coming out of Weria were bad enough: political struggles, factions plotting against the king, refugees fleeing to Wacia with the scars of torture!. So, when the Werians attacked Eian's home village of Edurne, he could not figure out why but he knew he had to get home and build up the garrison in case they attacked again!. While blaming himself for his negligence of gallivanting around foreign lands when the villagers fought for their lives, he looked up and saw T'Narra, the young native girl he had recently saved from a primitive witch-burning ritual!. If she knew the kind of natural power she wielded, she hid it for fear that someone would try to kill her again!.
"Come with me," Eian said, holding out his hand!.
However, when he returned to Edurne, he found the treachery lay not only in Weria, but in his garrison and in his own family unitWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The names of the places are WAY too similar!. It would drive me nuts trying to keep them all in order!. And the T' names are from Anne Mc Caffrey's Pern series!. You need better names for characters and places before anyone can even make sense of your summary!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I would read it!. It's very well-put and eloquent!. It'd make me pick up the book just by reading that summary!.

It sounds very interesting and it does appear you've put some thought into your work, which is never a bad thing!. I'd definitely read it even though I've never read about witch-burning rituals!.

It's great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You definitely have potential!. I like the names but find them a bit hard to pronounce!. I suggest putting a bit more detail into the characters and perhaps the atmosphere before Eian speaks!. It sounds interesting though! Keep it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com