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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anybody know any literary agency named Acquisation Directors?

Question: Does anybody know any literary agency named Acquisation Directors!?
I sent them a query and they replied that they wanted my work!. They would not show their credit or give phone numbers and the said they only took work through the email!. This is strange!. Please anybody can answer and i can put the body of the email forwardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They're not listed at the excellent Preditors & Editors site, but any agency that will not share information about recent sales is not on the up-and-up!. Forget about them!.

Although I'm curious!. Where did you hear about them in the first place!?

Next time research agents *before* you query, okay!? There are a lot of scams eager to take advantage!.

Edit: And I second Persi's recommendation that you share your experience with Dave, who owns Preditors and Editors, because a shady operation like this belongs on his list!. He's a good guy, not the least bit intimidating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trust Auntie Maryn and Auntie Persi!. Forget about them!. Send them NOTHING - money or work!.

Although just for the heck of it, write to Dave K at Preditors and Editors and ask him if he has any recent information on them!.

It is very unusual when I poke around and cannot come up with anything, and in this case I can't!. My gut tells me this is one of our old friends with a new name!. The "baddies" do that every so often when they get "outted"!. It is quite likely!.

Dave K is a great guy and if he has any information, he is happy to share!. Drop him a line!. If I am in doubt, I never do anything until I have talked to Dave!. You might also try Victoria Strauss at SWFA or James Macdonald at Absolute Write Water Cooler!. They are both incredibly knowledgeable also!.

also could you let us know where you heard about these folks so we can look for them!? I get a lot of letters myself asking me about agents and publishers and this is a new one to me!. The goal is to help save people from being ripped off - nothing more!. Thanks!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Those are MAJOR red flags!. Do not trust them!. A bona fide agency will be more than happy to provide verifiable credentials, have a physical address and phone numbers, not just email!.Www@QuestionHome@Com