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Position:Home>Books & Authors> If you are fighting with two swords, what are the swords called?

Question: If you are fighting with two swords, what are the swords called!?
i am writing a story i hope to publish if it is good enough!. my character is a warrior, or will become one, and she fights with two swords!. what would you call two swords!? i dont know much about swords and i couldnt find the answer!. any help!? if you have any cool ideas you dont mind sharing for my book, i would appriciate those too!. this is my first one and i'll see how it goes! thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Twin blades!. Or do you naming the swords!? the dark blade!.also,for your book, add in a death, a love, a power, a conflict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm guessing you mean the name of the *type* of sword like "broadsword" "rapier" "flamberge" etc!. !?
I don't think there's a special name for swords used at the same time!. You just need to describe the length and what they look like, then just call them "swords" or "short swords"!. Or, you could call them "twin blades" if you wan to indicate that they're the same and are used at the same time - I think that pretty adequately conveys the idea!.
They'll need to be short swords, anything too long would need two hands!. They should also probably be light, otherwise the person using them would get tired far too quickly!.

In case I misunderstand you and you're actually asking for what you should NAME the swords!.!.!. well I can't help you there (though Frank and Kevin sound good ;) )
I think it's silly to name swords!. I know it's done a lot in older literature (Beowulf, Arthurian Legend, even Lord of the Rings) and is a very traditional thing to do, but I think it's hard to do well!.
I just recently read a book called Sword Song by Bernard Cornwell, and in it the main character had named his swords - it sounded ridiculous every time he referenced them, I didn't like it at all!. Then again, I didn't like the book at all, so that may have contributed to my dislike of the sword names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are writing a story of a female sword fighting warrior,but your main question is 'what do you call two swords'!. Well let's say your female warrior is a Samurai,and so the swords would be called" Swords of the Samurai" or 'Samurai Swords'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would call them
wolf fang
wolf biter
vampire eater

Yin and Yang because they seek balance !.

Magnum and Trojan (just kidding!)

how about:


How about Frank and Kevin!?Www@QuestionHome@Com