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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Southern Vampires by Charlaine Harris?

Question: Southern Vampires by Charlaine Harris!?
Okay, so I want to read this series, but I don't know which one comes first! so could someone please tell me which one I should start with, and the ones that come after that!? thanks!

also, are there any other series that are good!? (I have read twilight, LOVE IT, and I have heard of a bunch of others!.) But please tell me what you think!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Dead Until Dark
2!. Living Dead in Dallas
3!. Club Dead
4!. Dead to the World
5!. Dead as a Doornail
6!. Definitely Dead
7!. All Together Dead
8!. From Dead to Worse

this is a great series!.!. i would def!. recommend reading them!!!!

For some other series!.!.check out the "Undead" series by Mary Janice Davidson!.!. those are really great!!!
1!. Undead and Unwed
2!. Undead and Unemployed
3!. Undead and Unappreciated
4!. Undead and Unreturnable
5!. Undead and Unpopular
6!. Undead and Uneasy

Charlaine harris also has another series that i would recommend!.!.!. it's not about vampires but about a girl named harper connelly who was struck by lightning!. After she survived she could find dead people!.!.!. basically find lost bodies and see how they died!. There are 3 books in the series so far!.!.!.
Grave Sight
Grave Surprise
An Ice cold grave!.!.
check it out!.!.

other supernatural/vampire series i've enjoyed are
the aisling grey series by Katie McAlister
Order goes!.!.
You Slay Me
Fire Me Up
Light My Fire
Holy Smokes

also check out this series by Victoria Laurie!.!. 2 books so far
Whats a Ghoul to do
Demonds are a girls best friend

and this one by terri Garey (nikki styx series!.!.!.2 books)
Dead girls are easy
A Match Made in Hall

The Dead end Dating series by Kimbery Rave is very good
Dead End Dating
Dead and Dateless
Your Coffin Or Mine


The Broken Heart series By Michelle Bardsley
I'm the Vampire That's why
Don't talk back to your Vampire
Because your Vampire said so

There are more great ones!.!. but those are a few of my favoritesWww@QuestionHome@Com

go to http://www!.vampirelibrary!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com