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Question: The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor!?
I have some questions about The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor!.
1!. When will the third book be out!?

2!. Are they making the first one into a movie!? I heard some rumors that they were but I wasn't sure!.

3!. What are Princess Alyss of Wonderland and Hatter M about!?

4!. On the map it shows Borderland[and in some versions it shows 2 other small countries so is everything else Wonderland!? Or are Outerwilderbeastia,Volcanic Planes, Valley of Mushrooms, and Crystal Mines their own countries!?

Thank you so much for answering my question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I can only answer a few of your questions--but I'm finally glad someone besides me has read these books!

The third book is due out sometime this year, I believe!.

Although I haven't seen any official annoucnement of a movie, Frank Beddor does say this on the Press part of his site!.!.!.

"Q: Is it true that The Looking Glass Wars is going to be made into a film!?
A:Yes!.!.!.with the right director!. In order to bring the book to the screen the director will need to be a visionary - someone able to create sweeping romance, great visual style and be able to capture the vibrance of this world of Wonderland never seen on film before!. The grandeur of the Chessboard Desert, the saturated colors of Mushroom Valley!. Definitely a 'director's film '!. "

A little off topic--If you liked this series, you should try the American McGee's Alice videogame!. Though a little bloodier and not-so-nice as the Looking Glass Wars, this video game is a rockin' version of Alice in Wonderland!. This game, too, is to be made into a movie, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com