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Question: Story Idea - Some suggestions!?
I've had in my head for some time a story that revolves around a man who has amnesia!.!.It's to be psychological thriller with a little love angle thown in!. I already have a few ideas!.!.!.but would love to hear from you about what kind of plot you would like to read if you picked up a book with this premise!.

I love Robert Ludlum books!.!.but I'm trying to stay away from any Bourne Identiy angle!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Quite honestly, you should simply write the book that is in your head!.

If you listen to other people you'll get confused and put off!. You know where your story should be heading, so head there!. It seems to me you have a certain lack of confidence!. Don't have!. YOU are the expert on this particular book!. Take it and show the world!.

For hints and tips read my blog http://ajbarnett-story!.blogspot!.com HOWEVER, you really ought to purchase a text book on creative writing!. It's the only way to understand what to do and how to do it!.

Go for it!. Grasp it by the horns and make your story your OWN!.

Good Luck

Anthony James Barnett - author of WITHOUT REPROACHWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it should involve drugs and a fish farm:) also peanut butter:)Www@QuestionHome@Com