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Question: Is this book appropriate for a church library!?
Someone donated some books to our church library!. One of them was Mere Anarchy by Woody Allen!. This is a Baptist church, which is very conservative!. I have never read Woody Allen's books, but it doesn't seem like it would be an appropriate book for the church!. Does anyone know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a memoir of Woody Allen!. I am not sure this would be appropriate for a church library- especially a conservative one!. Does the church library have a policy regarding what kind of books are accepted!? If so, consult the policy and see if
Allen's book fits the bill!.

I am attaching a review of the book for you to read!. Have you looked at the book yourself!? Did you read a chapter or two!? Allen has a wry sense of humor but his past is a bit 'sordid!.' That shouldn't be a reason not to accept the book, but it may help to keep this in mind while looking the book over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Mere Anarchy' is loosed upon the church, eh!?

It depends on your readership!. The book is hilarious but may have some material you might disagree with!. Do you keep other books in the church library that you might disagree with!?

Most of the writing appeared in the 'New Yorker,' if that gives you an idea of both theme and content levels!. There's not going to be anything that would offend a middle-ground readership, and if your readership would be OK with occasional, unimportant mentions of affairs and Viagra and the like, include it in the library!.

Coming at it from the perspective of a non-churchgoer, but trying to put myself in your shoes: I don't think it is a "damaging" book in terms of morality, and I don't think that it's a book that kids are going to be drawn to read--I think adults will recognize the book for what it is, a funny book for an adult readership!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it worries you too much, maybe establish a restricted section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com