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Question: Lemony Snicket Unforntunate Event Books!?
How many series of these books are there!? I only have up to the 4th one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are approximately 13 books in The series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket!. Remember 13 is the unlucky number!! Muhwhahaha!!-lol! Here is a list of them in order- they really are great books!.!.!.
The Bad Beginning
The Reptile Room
The Wide Window
The Miserable Mill
The Austere Academy
The Ersatz Elevator
The Vile Village
The Hostile Hospital
The Carnivorous Carnival
The Slippery Slope
The Grim Grotto
The Penultimate Peril
The End
~ i hope i helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the Series there are 13 physical books!. But, there are 14 stories!. They are all the same as the others mentioned but, at the end of The End there is another story called Chapter 14!. It has its own set of opening pages!. There is also the Unauthorized Biography and The Beatrice Letters -I think it's called that-

The books are really good!. All fun reads and the mysteries are really well written!. My favorite is the 6th one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

13, but 14 including the secret book, which i believe is called "the unauthorized biography" by lemony snicket


there are 13 of the books(in order):
The Bad Beginning
The Reptile Room
The Wide Window
The Miserable Mill
The Austere Academy
The Ersatz Elevator
The Vile Village
The Hostile Hospital
The Carnivorous Carnival
The Slippery Slope
The Grim Grotto
The Penultimate Peril
The EndWww@QuestionHome@Com

they're all right

but theres also Letters, i think its about letters to lemony's love, bellatrix or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are thirteen books, if that's what you mean!.Www@QuestionHome@Com