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Question: Good book idea!?
It's a horror/thriller/mystery where Lucas Harris testified in court against Balazs Murray!. Murray is found guilty of murder, but the judge overrules the decision!. Murray goes and finds a job as a plastic surgeon!. Harris goes into a state of depression, and one part was that he thought he looked ugly!. He goes to plastic surgery, where Murray knocks out his assistants and kills Harris!. From there Murray goes on a killing spree, killing 52 people over ten months!. His killing spree comes to an end when the FBI's SWAT team tracks him down where there is a dramatic shootout!. Nobody survives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds pretty decent until it gets to the last part, about this whole killing spree!. 52 people is a LOT in less than a year for one guy to kill!. You should really focus on how this Murray guy is living as he's killing all of these people!. Has he managed to make the plastic surgery killing look like an accident!? That probably wouldn't work - he knocked out his assistants!. If he doesn't manage to turn the plastic surgery thing look like a huge whoopsy-daisy, people'd still suspect him!. He'd have to go through the press and his friends and Harris's friends and family hounding him about what happened!.

If it doesn't look like an accident, which seems more likely, he'll have to run!. Does he assume different identities, travel to different towns, con a load of people to survive!? Or does he hermit out in some woods, becoming some sort of boogy man that tortures a little town!?

As long as you don't make this idea all about how he kills the people!. Your idea has a lot more potential than a gore-fest!. Good luck working it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well enough!. Just a question!? Why does Harris go to Murray for surgery!? Couldnt he have found another Plastic surgeon in all of America!?

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

Too many coincidences!. Why does Murray go on a killing spree!? Plus I HIGHLY doubt that one man against FBI's SWAT team could kill all of them!. Not happening, sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds very confusingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds hilarious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com