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Question: I need a little suggestions with my story!.!.!.!?
okay so heres the thing!.!.!.my character (lets call him kevin) has been abandoned by his older brother when he was sixteen!. he suddenly took off one night and never came back!. kevin is very distraught over this!. he was stuck in the apartment for three months until the landlord found out he was there alone and sent him off to the orphanage where he was adopted by a woman!. !. the parents are gone!.!.!.kevin never met them and only kevins older brother know about them!.!.!.i just need a suggestion on why the older brother abandoned kevin!.!.!.thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Writers Block, eh!? Boy can that stink!.!.!.!.!. okay, well, the older brother could have felt burdened by the responsibility of a younger brother to look after, he may have wanted his own life, maybe a career!? Or if you were looking to continue with the storyline from there, he could have taken off in search of the parents,who were alive but in hiding!. Depends on what kind of presonality the older brother has, but I hope that helps :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kevin's brother (we'll call him Mike) discovered an awful truth about his parents!. Fearing that Kevin could fall under the same influence his parents went under, Mike abandons him!. Little does he know that his actions were devastating to Kevin as he falls under deep depression and is eventually suicidal!. Mike now has to face an ultimatum: does he help his brother despite his parent's past or does he keep away from Kevin knowing he'll cause harm to others as well as to himself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mike met a chick,and fell in love, but cant go get kevin, and has to stay with the gf, in Montana, and kevin lives in NYC!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the fact that his brother didnt want to take care of him or he was leaving to go on a small trip and he died or got amneisa the fact that kevin is 16 though is a tad oddWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that Kevin's older brother probably just got tired of the responsibility and resented Kevin for holding him back!?

Either that or he met a girl!.!. girls make dude's do crazy things! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kevin figured out he was a bank robber and teh brother didnt want Kevin to live with him it may get him in trouble so he left !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, do a bit of research!. There are very few "orphanages" any longer!. Most abandoned children go into foster care!. The process between abandonment and adoption isn't immediate -- it takes years!. "Kevin" would very likely be a legal adult long before adoption would happen for a boy who became a ward of the state at 16 years old!.

Why did the brother abandon him!? Maybe he didn't abandon him at all!.!.!.!. where is he!? Off on a beach enjoying the lack of responsibility!? Or perhaps he met with foul play and this is why he's not returned!? Explore their relationship and personalities before you try to explain his absence!. Did he resent being "saddled" with his little brother!? How old was he when this happened!? If Kevin was young enough to not remember their parents, then the brother must be at least 15 years older than him in order to have been awarded legal custody!.!.!.!. you must be 18 to get legal custody of a minor!. Or were they street kids prior!? Runaways!? What!?

Flesh out your back story in order to know what the motivations of your characters are!. You cannot expect to know how they'll react in a given situation if you don't know them as intimately as you know your own family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com