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Question: Will we ever get out or Post-Modernism!?
Or is this as far as social and literary commentary will advance!? Is it good or bad either way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Supposedly, there is a move in the arts now toward what is being called (for the moment) remodernism!. (not even recognized as a real word yet outside this subject)

This, of course, includes literature and film, and is more or less a "re-insertion of the human spirit into postmodernist!." (The words in quotes are not my own but I can't remember where I read them) I can't even give you a name as an example of a remodernist!.

Some say the postmodern period began it's decline with the death of Tim O'Brien and other writers like him!. (I don't agree but then, I'm not very literary minded and have no credentials at all in that respect!. I doubt I've ever given a thought to how to classify a book I was reading on a literary scale unless I was required to in school!.) There's still Bret Easton and others who I would classify as postmodernists, but some classify them as Generation X moralists!.

For me, it's foggy since postmodernist basically means post-war and is notable, among other things, for it's black humor!. Yet Kurt Vonegut, who meets the criteria but came before is, therein, modernist, I guess!? It all merely confuses me for the most part!.

Just to clarify in a form easier to identify--film--a couple of ultimate postmodernist examples "they" say are Quinton Tarantino's Pulp Fiction and, of course, Mulholland Drive (David Lynch)!. Yet, the list I read didn't include American Psycho!. Why was that left out!? That's a blazing example, in my opinion!.

So I guess remodernism will build on postmodernism by showing that all is not bleak in the end because the human spirit will, once again, conquer all!. Personally, I like that concept!. Give me a happy ending any day!.

As for me, nowadays when I read for fun, I like Koontz and King to scare me and give me a dose of morality while they're at it!. Give me Patterson and Block for fun page turners, and so on and so on!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I'll pick up a good mystery suspense novel any day of the week!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're assuming that post-modernism is an advance, not a regression!. The number of modern books I have to read to find a single author who takes as much care in their writing as my favourite dead guys!.!.!. I think we'll have to go backward to move forward!.

I hope to see a Victorian revivalist movement soon!. Neo-Victorianism!? Or, with the current popularity of fantasy, sci-fi and other bizarre notions, maybe Surrealist Escapism!?

What literary movement would you like to see succeed!?
**Edit: With your talent for melodrama, I'd think Neo-Victorianism would suit you nicely!. Someone's in denial!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After Post-Modernism is avante garde (forgot how to spell French), as I recall, then Abstract again!. (kidding on abstract)

My collegiate dictionary, a new one I really like, says post-modernism in literature is any "characterized by ironic self-reference and absurdity!." ADD: as in Slaughter-house Five and Catch-22!. If I wrote a book about me and!.!.!.

For other "various movements" its characterized by "a return to traditional materials and forms (as in architecture)" [--the other said "(as in literature)!."] ADD: as in log cabin, US!.

For "identity, culture, history, or language," it would be "a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about!.!.!."
ADD: as in everyday conversations, maybe fights!.!.!.

--That was probably as clear as mud, but if you want it verbatim, let me know!.--

Short answer: This too, in literature, is only a bit of what we read!. Hopefully it will not pass!. Re: social stuff, it seems ongoing!.

My opinion: It's neither good nor bad!.
It IS, which is, actually, good, If a person likes more 'characterizations-of-things' to consider!.!.!. I do!.

ADD: you have a lot of cool answers here!. A bridge in France, 984 feet tall {did they stand around wishing it could be 1000 feet!? No, it was meters they did, "over 300 ft!."}Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that whoever named all these movements "modernism" had to be more than a little narcissistic!. Of course there will be new ways of thinking in the future, and with how rapidly we have progressed in the last century, I don't think we can even begin to imagine what these ways might look like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's the tallest bridge:


It's in France, by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I ust don't care about critics categories: they are too dull to understand artWww@QuestionHome@Com