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Question: Twilight Seris!?
Does Edward ever come back to Bella in the second book, I cried when edward left!.

What do you want to happen in the last book

I want Edward to bite Bella turing her into a vampire and then they get married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well Alice has a vision of Bella jumping of a cliff!. She was cliff diving to hear Edward's voice!. Whenever she does something silly to get her heart beating fast she hears Edward's voice!. Alice comes to check up on her!. When shes alive, shes relived!. Later on they go to Bella's house and Jacob is there and he answers the phone, thinking its Carlisle Cullen!. "Carlisle" Who is actually Edward asks "Wheres Charlie!?" Jacob simply answered "At the funereal" He was at a friends funereal, Harry Clearwater who recently died of a heart attack!. Edward thinks that it's Bella's funereal, so he heads up to Italy to go reveal his secret in Voltera where the evil vampires "The Volturi" reside!. Alice sees a vision of Edward revealing his secret, but he keeps changing his mind of how to do so!. Alice and Bella head off to save Edward, when they reunite they go meet up with The Volturi, They were scared that they were going to kill them!. But they made them a deal!. If they changed Bella into a vampire, they wouldn't kill them!. So they let them go!. Edward and his family move back to forks, and Edward reveals that he never really wanted to leave her, and was planning on coming back anyways!. He also asks to marry her to be sure he never leaves again, Bella takes it as a joke, But in Eclipse he seriously asks for her hand and she accepts, wanting to say an eternity with her love!.

For the fourth book I want many things to happen but My main things are what you stated, Bella becoming a vampire and yhem getting married!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you asked for it, I hate to ruin it for you but yes Edward does come back, I will not say how or when or if he makes it when he does come back!.!.!. But he does towards the end!. I really hope that Breaking Dawn that Bella and Edward get through their wedding and Bella becomes a vampire!. I would cry if she didn't and left Edward to live through eternity alone!. I really really really hope she changes into a vampire! I'm in the middle of re-reading the series, I love it so much I just hope the last book doesn't keep Bella human!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, he sure does =] lol
in the last book!? hmm!.!.!. i kinda want something bad to happen, or something to go wrong!. to make the story something other than a fairy-tale happy ending
i think something will go wrong in the wedding, although i want them to get married!


Wow that girl was rude who left that first comment!.!.
Yes edward goes back to her! of course i mean they're in love :)
and i really think either he'll bite her or another vampire will in the last book!. i already pre ordered it off amazon :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

He does come back!.My theory is They will get married,Edward will refuse to change her,Alice will change her,and a war will break out cause the treaty was broken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward comes back!.!.!.but bella goes and gets him from

I hope that they get married and edward turns bella into a vampire too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya he comes backWww@QuestionHome@Com

This is a site where people can ask serious questions about books and authors, not where people can giggle and speculate over whats gonna happen in a future book, who will kiss who, who will date who, etc!. There are fan sites for that!. I'm sure its very easy to find them!.

I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful and obviously if you disagree then pay no attention!. I love that people get interested in books, but please in the future try to ask perhaps more serious questions!. Example: Who out there enjoys reading the Twilight Series!? Who is planning on buying the new book in the Twilight Series!?

Again, not trying to be rude, and I really do hope you enjoy the book!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com