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Question: I hate it when people!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
ok!.!.!.dont you hate it when people judge you because you like to read or read certain kinds of books!. like me and my friend love the harry potter books and some people just assume your a nerd or something if you like it!. we're deff not nerds or geeks so it pisses me off when people do that!. what do you think !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
omg i couldnt agree more i mean im considered "popular" at my school but i lovee to read and whenever im reading my friends will be like oh your such a nerd or bookworm and its just like shut up im doing something i like got a prob with it!? then they leave it alone for a while lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

People probably think I'm creepy because of my preference in books, but I couldn't care less!. I enjoy reading horror novels, particularly by Stephen King, and when I write short stories and other things, my writing tends to reflect that!.

I also like the Harry Potter books, and, although they aren't my favorites by any means, I can definitely sympathize with you!. People tend to assume that liking any kind of fantasy novel automatically means that you have no life when that really isn't the case!. A lot of very gifted minds throughout history have enjoyed the LoTR trilogy and other similar books, and I'm sure that many very intelligent people also like Harry Potter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unfortunately some people are going to misunderstand/judge you, and often for dumber stuff than you liking Harry Potter!. Best you can do is, don't even try to explain what you like to people because they're never going to understand and definitely don't sink to their level by making comments about stuff they like or don't like!. Just try to find friends who have similar interests and help support you when you run into the guys who obviously never read HP!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely agree!.

But, I have a belief that if you like something (or are a fan or enthusiast), you have to put up with crap like that!. I mean, I love Harry Potter, it's changed my life, and I really don't care what anyone says about me liking the series!. I mean, because at the end of the day, does it really matter what somebody thinks about you liking that book!? What matters is how much you enjoy it!.

Someone could say I am an evil person for liking a book about witchcraft or I'm a nerd/geek, or I'm a little kid!. And I wouldn't care, at all!. Because, I love Harry Potter, and I'm happy I found the series, because it made me more open-minded and accepting of others!. And, plus, I really don't give a rat's behind about what anyone thinks of me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know! I hate that too! I have alot of friends but I wouldn't call myself popular!. I've always been a big reader!. Barnes and Noble is seriously like my second home!. (Im on a first name basis with many friendly workers there!. lol) And my friends used to make fun of me all the time!. I've read all the Harry Potter books and Im damn proud of it!. They are very good books!. Once I read Twilight, I pushed through all of their crap and made my best friend read it!.
Eventually, most of my friends have read the book and Im proud to say that I've forced them to start reading lots of books!

So be proud and if people don't like it, then you don't need them!.

People only judge others because they're afraid of being judged themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me too, even my friends call me a nerd and a geek, and it really annoys me! I mean, just because i don't read the clique series or just like to read at all, it doesn't mean i'm a nerd, it just means i have better things to do with my time then chat about which guys have cute butts or whatever!.!.

I wanted to be a criminal psychologist, so I read a book on the Manson murders!. Every one thought I was such a psycho, but I was only reading it to learn more about the psychology of criminals so I could some day go into law!. It made me so angry!.!.!.people are so judgmental!! Don't listen to anything they say!.

P!.S!.- Harry Potter is amazing!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i know exactly wut u mean! i hate it
i love reading books about fantasy (vampires faeries witches ect) but whenever someone sees me reading it they're like "wut are u a satanist or something!?" i'm like you idiot i'm a christian jsut because i like to read about DIFFERENT stuff doesn't mean i worship the devilWww@QuestionHome@Com

GOD YES!!! Thank you! Another person who agrees! I am a "geek" 'cause I'm smart!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Twilight and people though I was a geek 4 reading it! Then they all read it and you weren't cool if you weren't reading it! I love the way you said it though!. to "judge" me!.!.!. hmmm!.!.!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

READING is LEARNING!.!.!.So just ignore those people!.

And actually if you come to think about it, it's better to be called a nerd or geek rather than IGNORANT, MORON or IDIOT!.!.!.dont cha think!? ;pWww@QuestionHome@Com

I definitely agree!. I absolutely HATE it when people do that!. "Popular" kids read too!. It's ridiculous to think that you're a nerd if you read certain types of books!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, that bugs me a lot!. Just as people should not be categorized by religious beliefs, they should also not be put into labeled groups by the kinds of literature that they enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Ashley W!!! are you the mom of savannah w!.!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com