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Question: What to read first!?
I have recently gotten a few books which I would like to read, namely: The Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regain'd (obviously after Paradise Lost), The Mabinogion, Faust, The Odyssey, The Iliad and some alchemical texts from varying periods!.

I honestly have no idea where to start!

Any help would be much appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're really going to read them all, start with the Iliad, then do the Odyssey!. Divine Comedy, Mabinogion, Paradise Lost, Regained, Faust--and top it off with James Joyce's Ulysses!. Have a great summer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could recommend that you start with 'The Divine Comedy'!. I've only read sections of it, but they were pretty high quality writing for the time that it hails from!. Then, the Odyssey, which is also pretty good, and of course the Illiad to go with it!. Sorry, but I don't know too much about the others, as I haven't read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read part of the oddesy it was good but kinda confusing since i only read what they had in our school books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com