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Question: I'm a Harry Potter newbie and I have a question!. Can you help me please!?
Do the Hogwarts teachers live at Hogwarts, like over the summer as well!? I've never gotten into the movies but I just got the first book and am about to start reading it so I don't know!. Thanks!. Sorry I feel really stupid asking this!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dumbledore and Hagrid lived at Hogwarts!. So did Professor Trelawney!. Remember when Umbridge tried to throw her out of the castle in "Order of the Phoenix"!?

I would expect that Professor Sprout also lives on the grounds, because the plants in her greenhouses would need care during the summer months as well!.

Filch and Mrs!. Norris most likely remained at the castle year-round as well!. After all, as a Squib, he didn't quite fit into wizarding society!. Hogwarts was a safe place for him!.

J!.K!. Rowling had said in an interview, after about book 3, that some of the teachers were married and that we would meet some of the spouses before the end of the series!. That didn't happen, unfortunately!. So yes, the teachers really did have homes and lives and families outside of Hogwarts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a huge harry potter fan as well and its not a stupid question!. The teachers stay at the school during the year just like the students do!. BUt during the summer they go home just like the students!. Everyone needs a break!. It will become clearer as you work your way through the series espically in the sixth book!. The series is amazing I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey! Don't feel stupid !.!.!. =) I used to wonder about that, too!. The teachers do go to their houses, and I know that because at the beginning of Year 6, Snape was at his "home"!. Dumbledore though, I think, stays at Hogwarts all year round because he has no family to go back to!. (well, apart from aberforth i think!. but read book 7 or details!. hehe)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they live at Hogwarts during the school year, but during the summer they have homes!. They've been mentioned before!. And don't feel stupid!! There are no stupid questions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not a stupid question,they go home during the summer and stay in Hogwarts during the school year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah they do have houses which they go toWww@QuestionHome@Com