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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Where do you think the wedding will be in Breaking Dawn?

Question: Where do you think the wedding will be in Breaking Dawn!?
I was thinking where Bella's and Edward's wedding is going to be!. My friends and I were thinking the meadow but it can't be light out because Charlie and Renee would find out the Cullen's are vampires!. Your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They can't have it at the meadow!. That is their spot!. Edward said that is where he goes when it is light out!. No one else goes their!. I think it would be incredibly romantic and cute if they did but i font think they will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!.!.thats a good question!.!.!.!.but it cannot be in the meadow because no body knows about it and as someone mentioned, it is Edwards special spot where he can be out in the sunlight with no humans around!. Im thinking that the wedding could be in a dark church, on a cloudy day, or just outside some where on an average rainy forks day!. i also think that something will happen during the wedding, like the volturi will come or something like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably a night or dusk wedding at a normal church or sumthin like that!. it will not be in the meadow -- makes no sense!. :-) lol!.

and does any1 no where you can reasd the whole FIRST CHAPTER OF BREAKING DAWN!?!?!?!? i cant find it anywhere its driving me NUTS!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like that idea! But I think something will disrupt the wedding (because it just can't be easy for them :-D) and they'll end up having it somewhere secluded, or something!. I think they'll have it at night--not sure why, it just seems rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!.!.!. In a building without windows!? Or maybe they will insist on a night wedding!. And they could insist on the fact that getting married under the stars would be much more romantic and original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually think it could be at the Cullen's house!. I don't think it'll be at the meadow, and I can't think of anywhere else it would be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com