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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Favorite book.. pls read the whole Q before answering..?

Question: Favorite book!.!. pls read the whole Q before answering!.!.!?
Ok, so here's my questions:
1!. fav book
2!. when did u read it
3!. wats ur fav part
4!. fav character
5!. overall, why is it your fav!?

ten points to person who answers all 5 questions completely

have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Pride and Prejudice
2!. I read it for the first time the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in high school for an AP English summer assignment!. Since then I've re-read it about 7 times and seen many versions of the movies more times than I can count!.
3!. My favorite part is when Darcy asks Elizabeth to marry him---for the first time, and Elizabeth rejects him!. It sounds harsh, but it shows that Darcy really loves her and this leads him to do all sorts of heroic stuff for Lizzie :]
4!. Well, no contest: Elizabeth Bennett!. And Mr!. Darcy!. also Jane Bennett and Charles Bingley :]
5!. Overall, it's my favorite because it shows that first impressions are not always correct and that it is necessary to overlook personal pride and prejudices to allow oneself to fall into true love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Maniac Mcgee
2!. Junior High school
3!. The main character has the uncanny ability to untie knots!. A whole chapter is devoted to this ability and one super-knot!.
4!. The villian of the story is a kid who lives on the opposite side of the tracks as the main the character!. He was a sloppy, chubby, no good kid who had issues with everything everybody did!.
5!. This book, even though intended for 10-14 year olds, dealt with race relations and the power of friendship!. I wuold recommend this book for any age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. My favorite book is The Secret Garden by Frances Burnett
2!. The first time I read the story was when I was really little My mom actually and every year sense I was 7 I have read it!.
3!. My favorite part is when Mary first discovers the garden and even though it had flaws she still loved to be in the garden!.
4!. My favorite character is Mary mostly because she reminded me of myself!.
5!. It is my favorite book overall because it was the first book I can remember and it brought me and my mom very close and when I am reading it I fell a lot of peace!.
I know I sound like such a dork but that is my favorite book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have two:

1) The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
2) January!. I'd just seen the movie and completely loved it!. So I got the book to see just how great it was!. And it was very different from the musical, but also completely awesome!.
3) The end, where Christine kisses Erik and Erik lets her go with Raoul!. It's so beautiful how Christine's kiss awakened the still-human part of him, how she was his redemption!.
4) Erik!. While the Erik in the book is a lot less likeable than the Erik in the musical, I thought he was great nonetheless!. He's a very deep character, one who can completely creep me out one second, and make me sympathize with him the next!. He's not a fluffy pink bunny, either--for the most part he's an insane and violent genius!. I guess that what I like about him is how many different things he can make me feel!.
5) The writing was beautiful--chilling!. Like I said, I love how Christine was Erik's redemption!. And some people hate Raoul, but I liked him as well!.


1) Les MIserables by Victor Hugo!.
2) Several months ago, because I heard my Phantomer friends talking about how great it is!.
3) I have a lot of them!.!.!.hmmm, probably the barricade scene where, after finding out Cosette has left, Marius goes to the barricade and threatens to blow everyone including himself up!. Now, Marius isn't really my favorite character, but that scene was great!. also, I liked the last chapter!. It was very sad, but I tend to like sad things!. That's also why I like Fantine's death scene!.
4) Fantine!. Her story is very tragic, and I love how she did what she did for Cosette!.
5) It's beautifully written and sad, and probably the closest a book has come to making me cry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.twilight by Stephenie Meyer
2!.i first read it when i was 13 and i have read it another 3 times since then (I'm 15 now)
3!.my favourite part is where the main character is almost hit by a car but the other main character saves her and she finds out that he is a vampire shortly after
4!. my favourite character is the main character Bella
5!. it is my favourite book because it is a typical love story with some really interesting twistsWww@QuestionHome@Com

my favorite book is my sisters keeper!. i read it a few months ago!. my favorite part is when a main character, anna, and her father are looking at the stars!. i just think it's cute and they have a wonderful relationship!. my favorite character was julia!. and it's my favorite because it totally captured every emotion and sense in my body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. lord of the rings
2!. erm!.!.!.don't remember when i first read it exactly!. i am in the process of re-re-reading now!. i actually saw the movies first, and then scouted out the parts i particularly liked from there in the book!. then i graduated to reading the whole thing!.
3!. favorite part!.!.!.i'd have to say the battle of pelennor fields!. girl power!
4!. god i have so many!.!.!.eowyn, sam, faramir, pippin!.!.!.
5!. because it's a beautiful book that makes you believe that people can rise together to defeat an overwhelming evil!. i mean, sure, people have said it before and after this book was written, but lotr says it the best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Stand" by Stephen King
I read it (the first time) in 1986
My favorite part is when Stu, Kojak, and Tom Cullen return from Las Vegas
My favorite character is Nick
It's my favorite because I love apocalyptic novels - ones in which most of the world's population is destroyed - and also when there is definite good and evil!. also, I love when the good guys smosh the bad guys!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. The Catcher in the Rye by J!.D!. Salinger!.
2!. Sometime in Junior High!. Probably seventh grade!.
3!. The whole thing is really my favorite part because there aren't exactly definied PARTS, but I like it when he quits school!.
4!. Holden Caulfield or Phoebe Caulfield!.
5!. It's an unusual style of writing, especially for the time period!. The book is very easily relatable, as well!.

I would've said Harry Potter, but that's too cliche!. >!.<Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Lightning by Dean Koontz
2!. 17 years ago (I was eleven)
3!. It changes everytime I read it, but probably when Chris is explaining what a paradox is to Laura
4!. Laura Shane
5!. Because Dean Koontz is my ultimate favorite author and the first time I read this book, I was blown away by the scope of the story and the imagination that fueled it!. His mix of comedy and terror is incredible!. One minute you can be laughing so hard you fall out of your chair and the next so terrified of what is going to happen!. I love it! He's awesome!


1!. Watchers by Dean Koontz
2!. 10 years ago
3!. When Einstein learns how to read
4!. Einstein
5!. See above answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

My faveorite book is Twilight!. I read it this year around January or March!. My favorite part is when Bella and Edward get together and that's when some of the problems happened!. I don't have a fav character but i guess i have to answer it!. It has to be Bella because she actually survived all the things that happened between them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Probably Pride & Prejudice (although I love Twilight)
2!. I read it in March, while I was in Florida!.
3!. I love it when Elizabeth is on vacation with her aunt and uncle, and she meets Darcy and his sister at his house!. I also loves when she visits the Collins', and Darcy proposes!.
4!. Jane Bennett, because she allows herself to fall hopelessly in love with Mr Bingly, and gets her heart broken, but marries him in the end!.
5!. I love it because it was early 1800s, the society is so different, and the characters are so deep!. Jane Austen's writing is amazing!.
1!. Eclipse
2!. Read it twice, in January and April
3!. I love Chapter 15; Wager!. When Jake pours out his heart!.
4!. Jacob Black, because he is real, and halarious!.
5!. I love the chemistry between Bella, Edward and Jake, and I love how the guys dont give up!. Jake is so determined, and Edward is so sure of himself!. also, it gives me tears of laughter everytime I read it!. I love the romance and thrills and suspense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Eclipse by stephanie meyer
2!.friday and sunday
3!. when jake kisses bella and she punches him in his mouth and breaks her hand so edward takes her home to carisle to fix it and emertt says fall again bella!? She replies no emmert i punched a werewolf in the face and then he laughs!.
4!. My fav charcter is edward because he is so sweet to bella he is the boyfriend anygirl wants to have(well maybe not the vampire part lol)
5!. It is my fav because of the romance!.horror, suspence and i think its over all an amazing bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

1- Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
2- Mid June
3- I love the part when Edward follows her to Port Angeles and saves her from those 4 guys, and he said that he knew what they were thinking, and he was trying very hard not to go back and beat the crap out of them!.
4- Well, throughout all 3 books, Emmett
5- The characters are like, my friends, lol!. And i love the stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Cell by Stephen King
2!. A month ago!.
3!. My favorite part is the beginning when everyone with a cell phone gets a call from nowhere, and the signal turns them crazy and they start killing each other!.
4!. Alice
5!. It has horror, but it also is realistic in a way!. And it shows a teenage girl living with two grown men, and they're not perverted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. 13 Reasons Why
2!. Like a month ago
3!. When his friend picks him up in his car and he listens to his tape!.
4!. Tossup between the main girl and main boy!.
5!. Because it taught me that I matter and that I effect everyone and everything around me!. It taught me that I just have to quit planning and thinking about everything and just listen to my heart!. And it taught me to hope and dream and love!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Eclipse by Stephine Meyer
2!.2 weeks ago
3!.My favorite part would prob!. be when Alice get all mad when she thinks Edward and Bella are going to run away to vegas instead of let her plan a big fancy wedding!.
4!.Alice Cullen
5!.Because i love how the authur makes you feel like you are watching everything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fav book gotta be The Freedom Writers Diary

I read it about 6 months ago

My fav part is when you hear about Eva admitting that her boyfriend killed that black guy

Fav character is Eva

Cause !.!.!. i don't know, guess i can relate in some way!.!.

You should read the book too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Jane Eyre
2) Sixth grade
3) When Rochester admits how passionately he loves Jane
4) Mr!. Rochester!. My very first crush!.
5) I relate to how Jane thinks!. Plus, the way Charlotte Bronte describes things is great!. Finally, the love between Jane and Mr!. Rochester was a great example of the truest kind of love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Anne of Green Gables by L!.M!. Montgomery
2!. When I was 10 or 11
3!. When Matthew give Anne the dress with puff sleeves
4!. Anne, of course
5!. I like the way that Anne changes because of Marilla and Matthew and how Marilla and Matthew changed because of Anne!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Implulse by Ellen Hopkins
2!. I finished it 2 days ago!.
3!. The whole thing!. I relate to the book so much!.
4!. Vanessa!.
5!. She is exactly like me, same problems, emotions, ways to deal with the pain, etc!.

1!. Twilight
2!. March-ish
3!. When Edward saves Bella from James
4!. Emmett
5!. because its AMAZING!Www@QuestionHome@Com