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Question: Is there any library's online!?
so heres my problem, I live in the middle of know where and there isn't any llibrarys around and I was wondering if there was any online where they would send the book to you in the mail and then you return them in a matter of days!. FreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nothing quite like you describe that I know of, but some comparable alternatives exist!.

Project Gutenberg, at www!.gutenberg!.org has a huge collection of free e-books!.

PaperBackSwap provides a library-like service, based on trading books!. It's at www!.paperbackswap!.com!.

And if you're willing to pay, www!.booksfree!.com is essentially Netflix for books!.

But I don't know of any free lending library online - it would be difficult to manage, given the amount of public subsidies that libraries get!. To provide the service online absent a local government to fund it would be difficult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Those are two sites you can join
People put the books they are willing to give away on a list!.
You can search for a book you are interested in reading!.

They will send you the book free of charge!.
You can decide to send it to someone else or keep it!.

You should note that if you don't send books to others, people will be less likely to send you books!.
You are expected to pay the postage to send a book to someoen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you live in the US, many public county libraries have online catalogs and will send books to folks in the county free of charge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
