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Question: What kind of book cover would suit my novel!?
Show us your arm Laura” Amelia prompted carefully!.
I pulled back the woollen sleeve of Gloria’s cardigan!. My eyes widened!.
The same pattern of my veins lay running in junction underneath my skin!. It matched theirs perfectly, an immaculate copy!.
“Blood never lies Laura!. It always holds the truth!.” Alexander said smoothly his eyes shinnying in the light!.

Living in the most exclusive neighbourhood in Hanover attending a prestigious private school and just surviving the irritation of her older brother life seems normal for Laura Marsden, until she meets the new student, the seductive Casper Thomas!.

Casper is completely different almost dangerous to anything Laura has ever known, along with his shadowy enthralling friends it soon becomes enticing for Laura!. But is she strong enough to accept what they might be beneath their flawless surface, or in turn is she strong enough to accept she really is!?

Suddenly the Vampires’ revived feud with neighbouring Shape-shifters rises and they become the targets of a group of vampire hunters!. And Laura wrestling with her newly found power is her families and friends only hope !. !. !.
Or is she!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In all honesty I think that you should focus on your spelling and grammar before asking about what book cover you should use!. It didn't really remind me of Twilight but I need a better idea of the plot!. It seemed a bit hazy!.

And by the way I didn't even think of 'Jasper' when I saw the name Casper!. I actually thought of Casper the ghost!. It's YOUR story!. Use whatever names you want and don't let people get you down because they think that you're copying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please buy a book on how to write!. If this is the back of the book, I would not even waste time reading what was contained within!.

Have you ever read The Elements of Style by Strunk and White!?
Please make reading this book part of your to do list!.

Thanks, your future editor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about the book cover but it does remind me a lot of twilight!. It's a really good story idea and I realize it is different from twilight in some ways but maybe you should make it a little bit MORE different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Casper!?! Sounds a little like!.!.!.!. Jasper!? You're right that does sound exactly like Twilight!. You should step out the box and use your own imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, it is way too similar!.

Secondly, if and when you sell this book, the cover isn't your decision!. You have absolutely zero say in it!. In fact once you sign a Standard Author's Contract, you have zero say in any aspect of your book!. It can be edited, the title can be changed and the publisher can put any cover they want on it!. After all, they ARE paying you money for it!. Trust them!. They know what they are doing!.

Don't worry about things like book covers!. Worry about writing an original story!. That is the first thing!. Because if you don't covers won't matter anyway because nobody will be interested in it!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com