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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you normally read the introduction of books?

Question: Do you normally read the introduction of books!?
Unless the book is non-fiction, I HATE reading the introductions!. One of the most disappointing things that ever happened to me was when I picked up "A Tale of Two Cities" and looked in the introduction and read "{main character} gave his life for her"


I hate in school also when they give you the synopsis of the whole story and the ending before the actual reading!. What's the point of reading it when you know how it ends!? (Literary style is only a piece of the equation!) It's like reading a walkthrough for a video game before playing it!.

Would you like to join me in writing a letter to publishers of books to omit the introduction (or better, move it to the end of the story, as a sort of afterword)!? What is your opinion on intros!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sometimes they spill too much about the book and sometimes they give a bit less than they should have for an introduction or an afterward, so I think we should write a letter to them telling them that they should have a balance in an introduction and an afterword!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I suppose introductins don't annoy me as much as they should!. I sort of skip over them and omit the boring parts, and I live my life on spoilers anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me!. Take this: your favorite celebrity just died!. What's yor first question!? How did he die!? When!? The details are what make the reading good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm!.!. it kind of depends on the book!.!. Like when I read the intro to Sense and Sensibility and Vanity Fair, reading the intro helped me understand more of what was happening!. However, for books like a Tale of Two Cities or Les Miserables!.!. yea I agree that it spoils it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They haven't really bugged me that much!. But yes, it really does spoil the point of reading a good book when they've already told you exactly what it's about!. It's kind of like watching a movie then reading the book!.

If you start an online protest I'd be more than welcome to sign it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not all introductions contain spoilers!. Sometimes, the author comments on how he or she came to write the book!. I find this to be interesting information to consider as the story unfoldsWww@QuestionHome@Com