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Question: What to read tonight!?
I am working tonight and need to take a new book to read!. From this list what would you recommend!?

Slam by Nick Horby
The Colorado Kid by Stephen King
The Apothecary Rose by Candice Rodd
Gods behaving Badly by Marie Phillips
The Alcamist by Paulo Coellho
The Store by Bentley Little

Please no Twilighters! I am 48 not 12!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hm, I would say the Colorado Kid would be interesting!. Stephen King is just such an interesting author!.!.!.

Sorry if this doesn't help much, but I'd recomend almost anything by good 'ol Mr!. Stephen King!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I may be only thirteen, but I've seen a lot of adult reading and totally falling in love with the Harry Potter series!. I'm also totally obsessed, but they are also page turners, with a little bit of everything inside!. If you consider reading them you'll find yourself wanting to read them more and more!. Just give them a chance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Not a bad lidt to choose from!
I would say it depends what sort of work you are doing/where, but to be safe I'd go with Nick Hornby as his books are fairly amusing/sometimes hilarious, and a lighter read!.
But if you want something with a bit more to it the either King or Coelho


If you can get your hands on a copy of "The Road" by Cormack McCarthy (for future reference) You would never put it down it is a fantastic read!. As for now, I guess Steven King would be my choice!. I was once really big into his books but they started to give me nightmares!. I found in later years his writing has mellowed out a bit!. Have a good night and a pleasant read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Alcamist is good - only one on that list I have read!.!.!.Nick Horby is normally good too though!.!.

**edit ** Actually I re-read this recently - would recommend it - John Fowles, 'The Collector'

Really short!. And really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

take Alcamist!.!.i have read it,,i think it is ganna be good for a very quite place,,if urs is quite place!.!.

have a good nightWww@QuestionHome@Com

the colorado kid by stephen king!.Www@QuestionHome@Com