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Question: I am thinking about writing a short story!?
Anyone have any good ideas!? Its going to be about violence and gore and possibly zombies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you are into scary stuff, try to take people worst fears and twist them into your stories!. Like R!.L Stine!. They took fears like monsters controling us and put them in their book! But if you want more actionish-adventure make your main character nearly get killed mutiple times, then have the bad guy live too, but as in nearly killed first like "The door was closing I had to move!" then "I woke up lying in a hopistal bed!. 'What happened!?' "!

Happy writing =]

Ps, the bunny is still cute even if it isn't Easter <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

Zombies aren't my strong point in writing, but one peice of advice: when you DO write, don't borrow an idea which has already been taken!. And I do mean high school zombies!. That's an old idea!. Why don't you write about a human thrown into a dimension where all crooks and criminals end up as Zombies with silly things to do for amusement!? And they don't need to kill the human, in fact, they can be scared of him/her! Violence and gore, if you really want that, can come in !.!.!. perhaps the zombies killing each other!? Or taking "field trips" to our dimension (Earth) and have some "fun" (gore)!?
Think about it!.
Happy writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creation--the basic idea--is part of the writing!. If someone else provides the idea, the story isn't really yours!. You become the stenographer!.

Why not play what-if with some of the ideas that interest you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go ahead and do it!. Writing can be fun, especially if it's something that you enjoy writing about!. Personally, I love violence, gore, and zombies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe!.!.!.!.!.a local town has been attacked by vicious zombies

and the locals have to ban together to find a cure

off the top of my head

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com