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Question: Eclipse question!.!.!.!.!.its also about Breaking Dawn!?
on page 168 of Eclipse, third paragraph from the bottom, do you think that this is actually going to happen in Breaking Dawn!? most of bella's dreams come true or are something that has already happened!.

if it does come true, my guess is that, if she's not the one crawling away, maybe she is the "angel" in the white dress (wedding dress!?) watching!. "angel" because she is already changed!?!?!?

what do you think!? i may be just looking too far into it and it was just a nightmare inspired by rosalie's story, but who knows!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For all of you who don't have it with you this is it word for word!.

"When I did sleep, I had a nightmare!. I was crawling across the dark, cold stones of an unfamiliar street, under lightly falling snow, leaving a trail of blood smeared behind me!. A shadowy angel in a long white dress watched my progress with resentful eyes!." Stephenie Meyer (Eclipse)

I don't think it at all litteral but figuritively I think it might have some truth because it seams like a thing a writer would do, make a small and short forshadowing so that the re-readers can go back and read it again and say oh my this actually in a way comes true!.
Just like in Twilight Bella thinks to herself before she goes to school on her first day "no one's going to bite me" (not sure if worded right)!. So I think it's possiable it possiably can happen!.

Maybe as you say it's her in a wedding dress which in my mind is her deffinition of being a vampire because that is the deal she makes with Edward!. And she might be looking at someone else(meaning that Bella in her dream is playing the part of someone else crawling on the ground) and she might be looking at them bleeding and then she looks at them with "resentment"!.
But who knows it could be just as you said aftermath of Rosalie's storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so, I think it was her reaction to Rosalie's story and what she thinks will happen when she gets turned into a vampire!. But, I could be wrong, I guess we will just have to wait to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reminds me of Rosalie's story, when she was crawling around and her blood was trailing behind her!. So maybe she was just thinking about that!. The angel could be Carlisle, who came and changed her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate Bella, I only love her when she's with JacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

Could you please tell us about the dream!? I don't have my book with me!. What did Bella dream about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com