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Question: Calling all writers, readers, editors, critics, people with spare time, NaNoWriMo-ers, email-ers, and generall
- generally everyone interested!

Hey, thanks for clicking!. I’m a young writer and I was wondering if any one would be interested in creating a sort of email group to support writing and go day-by-day during such events as NaNoWriMo and continue with any other writing throughout the year!.

How this would work:

Anyone interested, please either email me at akitylasaraleen123@hotmail!.com or lunaakitylasaraleen@yahoo!.com or sign up by providing a valid email address below!. Whenever a new person signs up, I’ll add their name to the list and send out the on-going list of email addresses to everyone who has signed up!. When you’ve written something and you’d like it critiqued or you’d like an opinion or anything, send it out to everyone on the list!. (Writing will likely be sent out daily during such events as NaNoWriMo by anyone participating!.) When you receive an email with the bit of writing, go through it, read it, give your opinion, any mistakes you’ve found, critique it, of(cont!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Suggest you stick to your idea of an email group, as a Yahoo Group (as far as I know, and I could be way wrong) causes writing to be posted, and it shouldn't be, for practical reasons!.

If the email group isn't done one-on-one, I'm not sure how that would work either!.

I assume by forwarding written work to all who sign up, but that would also cause a form of posting work, which is impractical for anyone who wishes to publish the same work!.

Publishers buy copyrights, so to tell folks to copyright their own stuff first is impractical also, if they want to publish that piece!.

If not, *if it's for fun, to check general style of writing, or fanfic,* your idea with email, or even the Yahoo Group, would work to a writer's advantage, especially new writers!. Anything else online could jeopardize future plans for a writer's work!.

Keep thinking, and it could possibly work out as you envisage!. I do realize it could help many people to have a critique done properly (one-on-one; or in some way unconfusing), though the 'just info for the curious' should be satisfied in many other places already online, like writerscafe!.com!.

Good luck, and with NaNoWriMo as well, if/when you start in November!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


that is me officialy signing up lol


wow that is an excellent idea! for all those authors who need a head start! all right sure, i'll email youWww@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds like fun!. What is Nano-Wri-Mo!? When are you starting this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is me signing upWww@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, it's a brilliant idea, it really is!. But it has a bunch of flaws!. Such as the fact that groups such as that already exist, and that anyone could steal somebody elses work!. You'd be relying on the honesty of people, and that might not work out!. However, that is a risk you have to talk when doing anything on the internet!. All that set aside, I am interested!. IM or email me (via my profile) so I can tell you my email instead of spreading it all over the net, lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may wish to begin by creating a small writing forum under Yahoo! with, perhaps, four or five members!. Membership can stay busy critiquing and editing the others manuscripts until such time as you believe that expansion is necessary!. The onus is on you to learn more of your membership!.

also, having a small membership at first will help create the honesty and integrity among the known writers to prevent plagiarism of material!.Www@QuestionHome@Com