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Question: Vampire Chronicles!.!.!.is it just me!?!?!?
I loved Interview with a Vampire, The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned so i was really excited to read the next books in the series!.!.!.and then i was really disappointed! I thought that The Body Theif was very slow moving and that Mnemoch the Devil was not preachy but along those lines i guess!.!.!.not really what i expected coming from Ann Rice! Is it just me!.!.!.I think there is still one or two more books in that series i havent read yet, but i dont know if i will like them!.!.!.also i know that Rice wrote some books from David Talbot's point of view!.!.!.are these any good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Read "Blood and Gold," (Marius's story), "The Vampire Armand" (Armand's) and "Pandora"!. You can pretty much skip the rest!. "Merrick", the first book in which she merges the Mayfair Witches with the Vampire Chronicles and Blackwood Farm are kinda weird and frankly, I found that they had more to do with the Mayfair Witches and the Chronicles!. Blood Canticle was, to put it in one word, BAD!.

The Tale of the Body Thief was very weak and Memnoch the Devil I almost threw in the trash after the third chapter!. I kept it because I wanted the whole collection !.!.!. but I never went back to try and continue reading it nor do I intend to!. Same applies to Blood Canticle!.!.!. couldn't even finish it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was disappointed after reading the Vampire Chronicles, to be honest!. Anne Rice is, in my opinion, a good story-teller, but a very poor writer!.

At a certain point, the story twines in with the Mayfair Witches series that Rice has done, and I didn't like those either!.

And yet, there's no problem in trying!. You may like them if you give them a chance!. But for my own opinion, I just don't like Anne Rice's writing!.

But by all means, you have nothing to lose by being open-minded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com