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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do you think of my Story/Novel/Playwright idea?

Question: What do you think of my Story/Novel/Playwright idea!?
The reflection of the moon hit her in face as she leant forward for a better look, scuttling back into the darkness when the patrol passed below her ledge!. They weren’t the source of her fear; she knew the maze of the city’s rooftops as well as she knew the ground!. She just didn’t want to have to run from them, and circle around to get were she was!. What a waste, she thought!. The source of the resounding footsteps of the crowns guard was the vast silence caused by the city’s curfew!. Anyone caught outside whilst in curfew hours would be held by the crowns guard!. That enough set the imaginations of the townsfolk into a flurry!.
She crept around the side of the building she was hiding on, careful not to fall through a window!. She didn’t even have to try to be quiet, being known for her sleekness back at the stables!. Or his sleekness!. She grinned as she thought of her new job as a stable boy!. For years she’d been running and hiding, a ‘slum’ kid being orphaned at a young age, but recentlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hmmm it's great!

i love reading early author's stuff

my best friend is a young author and has written 9 full 400 page books!.!.!.and i will tell you the same thing i told her!.!.!.just keep writing and never give upWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds really intersting!. I'd read it!. ^!.^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like it could be good, but you're walking on thin ice with "speshul" abilities!. Mary-Sue in the making, possibly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com