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Question: Twilight Fans, I need your Help!!!!?
In the Twilight series, it shows Bella and Edwards writing (for example, in Eclipse, when Edward and Bella are writing note to each other in class!.) Does anyone know what font both of their handwriting is on Microsoft word!? All I need is the name of the font!. The first person to give me both will get an easy 10 points!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edward's Handwriting font is: "Carmilla"
Bella's Handwriting font is: "Pablo"
Jacob's Handwritingfont is: "Almagro"

You can the font free here: http://www!.esnips!.com/web/allyblablablas!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com