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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do Scout and Jem first spend their summers in To Kill A Mockingbird?

Question: How do Scout and Jem first spend their summers in To Kill A Mockingbird!?
This was on my final exam for English!. I felt like it was a bit awkward because the choices were weird!. Does anyone know the best answer!?

1) Scout and Jem (I think it might have said Dill, too, but I'm not sure!.) first spent their summers doing what!?

A - building forts
B - helping Miss Maudie in her garden
C - acting out movies

I though it was movies, but they were stories -- like the Boo Radley story!.!.right!? I don't really known --HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That is a seriously cruel question!. I think the answer they're looking for is A) Building forts, because I think in the very beginning that's what they're doing, before Dill comes!. Seriously unfair question because of all of the emphasis put on their plays (which were not taken from movies, I don't think) and terrorizing Boo Radley!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only answer that is right is A!. but the other two if not read very closely could be right as well!. looks like a "are you paying attention" question!. I would have wrote a comment below explaining my answer so that the teacher might give me half credit if i got it wrong!. then again i havent read that book in a few years and havent been to school in 10 yearsWww@QuestionHome@Com

You chose "C" and had it marked wrong!? I have my doubts on that!.!.!.Jem and Scout were not, to my memory, building a fort!. If the question included Dill, the best answer wouold have to be the unlisted!.!.!.None of the Above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com