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Question: Opinions: writing about vampires and humans off-limits to certain people!?
Everyone knows Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyer did the vampire and vampire/human thing, but anyone else who tries it--what do you guys think!? Can only specific writers who've done vampiric stuff before write about vampires, or is that subject still open to the public, just like how anybody can write about a circus or a plane ride (bad examples, I know)!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A writer can write on any topic they choose or on any issue of their choice!. There are no limits!. In fact stories about vampires exsisted years before Anne Rice thought about writing anything at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone could write one!. I can't imagine that it would be terribly difficult!. But not everyone could pull it off the way Meyer and Rice did!.

What makes Meyer and Rice (and, just to throw in another example, Rowling, talking about wizards and such) so popular is the unique ideas that they've had!. Edward is the "tortured soul" that vampires generally aren't!. Meyer's vampires aren't the classic "I sleep during the day in a coffin and I hate garlic" sort of mythological creatures people have grown up with!. Plus (if you couldn't tell) people love Edward Cullen!. I don't know much about Anne Rice at all, I only know the name, but my guess is that there's something unique about her stories, too!. Something in the plot or characterization, that's usually what does it!. Like with Harry Potter, it was a fantastic plot with fantastic characterization, and somehow, both needed each other, and that's what makes it unique!.

Really, if you can't come up with something nobody else has thought of, you're not in a good place as a writer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those writers were writing after Keats' 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci,' Polidori's 'The Vampyre,' and Stoker's 'Dracula,' to say nothing of the many, many other versions of the vampire myth--in many cultures, from Austrian to Zimbabwean--that have existed throughout history!.

Regardless of the merits of Rice or Meyer, they are themselves following a tradition of vampire literature that stretches back in Western pop-culture form to the mid-1800s and in reality stretches back much further!.

They derive their ideas from that tradition--why should that stop you from writing your own story after two very modern writers have written their own!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the problem is, is that it would be hard to top those authors!. I was at Barnes and Noble yesterday and there is now a whole display of books about vampires by numerous authors, but I don't think they'll sell because after reading the Twilight series, there's a certain perception of the way people would like vampires to be!. All personal opinion though!. However, if you think you've got a good plot, go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's still open to the public!. The problem is that there are so many people out there who copy what they know!. Anne Rice and Stephanie Meyer got where they are becuase they reinvented old ideas!. Anyone can write about a vampire, but someone who writes new ideas and original stories about vampires is worth reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Any body CAN write vampire books, but I think certain people like Ann Rice and Stephanie Meyer (good examples!) have more talent and expertise when it comes to these, and if you've written a good vampire book before, people will probably be much more likely to read your next vampire book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope vamps/human relationships are a classic
Darren Shan writes amazing vampire books as does cassandra clare though she doesn't focus on that its more a brother sister struggle not to be attracted to each other (kinda eew but i hope in the end they end up not being related)

Vampire stories rock!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think anyone can write about anything, vampires and humans are nothing new and have been written about since the 17th century!. I think anyone can write about that and some people just happen to be famous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can write about anything they wish!.!.!. I would just take care to set my own stories apart from those who came before me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com